16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil.

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 (New International Version)

THE MANY PROPHECIES ABOUT TRUMP AND THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. AHEAD of the November 2016 US Presidential Election, there were a number of prophecies and predictions about who would end up in the White House. Obviously, the political analysts and pundits drawing on their experience in election coverage and on poll numbers made their guesses and predictions. But more than that, there were prophetic declarations of a religious or spiritual nature as to the outcome of the elections – meaning that these people supposedly heard from the Spirit of God and either said out loud or wrote down what they heard. Some of these prophecies played important if not pivotal roles in the outcome of elections. And it is mainly these religious, prophetic predictions – some of which were made YEARS before Trump publicly declared his presidential bid – that ApocalypseNowMedia.com seeks to focus on.

With Trump’s “stunning” victory in November 2016, it would be safe to say that the prophecies of a Trump presidency were more accurate than the prophecies by some (like internationally known Prophet Brian Carn, or the popular, Nigeria-based Prophet TB Joshua) of a Hillary Clinton win. And it seems that the New World Order agenda and the many prophecies of “doom and gloom” for America may just have to be suspended for now, given the many other POSITIVE prophecies that the vindicated prophets had/have issued in respect of things to come for not only America but the rest of the world as well.

WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT THESE TRUMP PROPHECIES?” Only a relative minority were aware of the accurate Trump prophecies BEFORE the elections. And they positioned themselves by their prayer, campaigning, votes, etc to make their positive expectation a reality. For instance, serial New York Times bestsellers, Dr. Don Colbert and wife Mary Colbert teamed up with retired fireman Mark Taylor to start a nation-wide prayer chain around the latter’s prophecies on Trump and America – a prayer chain that was “off-the-radar” in terms of the mainstream media coverage but that likely played a disproportionate role in Trump’s historic come-from-behind victory in November 2016.

Now that we have seen their prophecies come to pass – against all odds – it would behoove us well to at least consider what else they had or have to say will happen in America and the world. That way, we can give ourselves a chance to align or order our steps and actions accordingly – assuming we want to be on the winning side with God…


34 At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.

His dominion is an eternal dominion;

his kingdom endures from generation to generation.

35 All the peoples of the earth

are regarded as nothing.

He does as he pleases

with the powers of heaven

and the peoples of the earth.

No one can hold back his hand

or say to him: “What have you done?”

~ Daniel 4:34-35 (New International Version)

TRUMP AS GOD’S “CHOSEN” CANDIDATE. A few persons like Kim Clement (Feb and Apr 2007), Mark Taylor (Apr 2011) and Dr. Lance Wallnau (Sept 2016) declared long before November 2016 that God would put Donald Trump in the White House. What is AMAZING about these prophecies is that a couple of them were spoken/written almost a DECADE before Trump was on anybody’s proverbial radar. He may have not been in the political calculations of most human beings or institutions – but he certainly was in God’s geopolitical radar, plans and calculations. Such prophecies are proof that God is real, and that he is speaking and actively involved in all the affairs of this world. Just like Daniel 4 in the Bible says, God’s “kingdom endures from generation to generation” and “He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth”.

And to clarify: Any talk of Trump being God’s “elect” or “chosen” for the US presidency speaks more of God’s Sovereignty than of the righteousness of the chosen vessels – just like the cases of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon or King Cyrus the Persian in the Bible. Trump, like those two, was chosen not because of moral perfection or because of prior intimate knowledge of or relationship with God, but rather because of a determination of Heaven to use him to accomplish the good and perfect will of God in and through the prevailing global hegemone (superpower).

So here are a list of some of the “prophets” that called the 2016 elections accurately, with a list of ApocalypseNowMedia.com blog posts on them, as well as links to their products (if any) in case you want more in-depth information from them:

KIM CLEMENT: The Kim Clement prophecies of Trump from way back in 2007 are the earliest Trump presidency predictions I’m aware of. And in the years leading up to his untimely death in 2015, he would make other seemingly accurate prophecies about Trump and Hillary…

  • THE KIM CLEMENT DONALD TRUMP PROPHECIES FROM 2007. In remarkable and supernatural fashion, the late Kim Clement’s prophesied in February and April 2007 that God would put Donald Trump in the White House for two terms!!!
    • Trump and Prayer in the White House. On Feb 1, 2017, President Trump Tweeted a photo of himself and the VP and others having “a moment of prayer” the night prior in the White House. He said that the photo was taken after his nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the vacant SCOTUS position. Is this an initial sign of fulfillment of the 2007 Kim Clement prophecies?
  • “THEY WILL SHOUT, ‘IMPEACH! IMPEACH!'”, SAID KIM CLEMENT IN FEB 2014 REGARDING OBAMA’S SUCCESSOR. Surely this is supernatural/divine, right? How else could Kim Clement have known over TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election that there would be such an uproar and obsession to impeach the POTUS coming immediately after Obama? But God’s categorical conclusion to the impeachment uproar, as declared by Kim Clement in February 2014, was this: Impeachment “shall NOT happen.”
  • Kim Clement Said Ahead of Time That The 2016 Presidential Election “Would Shock the World”.

MARK TAYLOR AND MARY COLBERT: On April 28, 2011, Mark Taylor heard from God that Donal Trump would be the next president after Obama. That was four years or so before Trump even publicly declared his intention to run for the office in the 2016 US Presidential Election!

  • The Trump Prophecies by Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert. The Sid Roth interview in September 2017 of The Trump Prophecies co-authors Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert touches on Donald Trump’s desire to leave a legacy of being a praying president, as well as on God’s intent to overturn the 1973 “Roe v Wade” decision – after replacing FIVE judges of the SCOTUS through Trump!!!


  • “OMG: The Wreckingball Actually Did It!!!” That was what I posted on my personal Facebook timeline as I watched the electoral tide turn in Donald Trump’s favor on that fateful election night of November 2016. That was based on the John Paul Jackson interpretation I had seen of a dream that a bulldozer was going to wreck Washington D.C. Check out the video clip right here. Many who saw this dream interpretation believed Donald Trump would be the bulldozer to wreck New World Order “the swamp” that Washington D.C has become…

DR LANCE WALLNAU: Dr Lance Wallnau was supposed to meet Donald Trump (then just a presidential candidate) with Kim Clement. But the latter never made the appointment. But ahead of that meeting, Lance Wallnau says he clearly heard God tell him in respect of Trump, “Isaiah 45 will be the next president.” That is to say, Donald Trump would be the “King Cyrus” of our generation – chosen to restore the people of God and bring them out of captivity as it were. Chosen to “be a wreckingball against political correctness”.


If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.
~ Deuteronomy 18:22 (New International Version)

Prophet Brian Carn:

  • Is Ted Cruz Cruising to a Republican Nomination? In September 2015 (and perhaps even sooner), Prophet Brian Carn said God was saying that one of the Senators – not Donald Trump or the non-career politicians (i.e. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina) – not one of the Governors – but one of the SENATORS (which potentially included former New York Senator Hillary Clinton) would come to power in the US. The shock Ted Cruz victory in the Iowa Caucuses in February 2016 showed that he or Senator Marco Rubio could indeed edge out the then-leading Trump to the Republican Party nomination. Of course, that wasn’t the case in the end… While Brian Carn prophesied ahead of the November 2016 election that Hillary would win, Trump won and she conceded. Prophet Brian Carn “flat out missed it” as per his own admission in the video below.

  • “BRIAN CARN SAYS HE ‘MISSED’ 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION PROPHECY”. Essentially, in the video above, Prophet Brian Carn says he “missed it” the same way Prophet Samuel in the Bible initially wrongly presumed that Jesse’s tall first son, Eliab, was God’s chosen king. Of course, God corrected Samuel, saying He [God] looks at the heart, not the outward appearance like men do. And when David was eventually brought into Samuel’s presence, God immediately told Samuel that David was His chosen. And Samuel anointed David for kingship of Israel in the presence of his family. (See 1 Samuel 16:4-13 in the Bible for the full story.) So you see, Samuel did NOT miss it in the sense that Brian Carn implied. A prophet and those that listen to the prophet should be able to distinguish between the voice or word of God on one hand, and the prophet’s own thoughts or presumptions on the other hand. By the time someone is claiming to bring a prophetic word to others, that person should have already distinguished between his or her own thoughts and those from God. And the person should not confuse the two while proclaiming the prophetic word. But as Brian Carn said, he flat out missed it, not God. And he emphasized that this was a sign of his own humanity, not of God’s divinity since God cannot miss it. Brian Carn did rightly encourage prayers for then President-Elect Donald Trump in the end – which is what the Bible admonishes for all those in authority.

Prophet TB Joshua:

  • “TB Joshua Explains Failed Prophecy About US Election”. This is a nice, funny video by New York-based Adeola Fayehun. On her weekly broadcast called “Keeping It Real”, popular televangelist Prophet TB Joshua explains why Donald Trump won the 2016 US election in spite of his prior prophecy that Hillary Clinton would win. The popular, faith healer said that his prophecy of a Clinton win was accurate, but that many of those that heard the prophecy fasted and prayed – even naked in some instances, apparently – for a different outcome…
  • “Nigerian preacher TB Joshua deletes prophecy of Clinton win”. This BBC article dated November 9, 2016, tells of how the prophecy by influential Nigerian televangelist TB Joshua that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 US presidential election was removed from Prophet Joshua’s Facebook account. Meanwhile, after Trump’s victory, the prophet began to trend on Twitter across Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa as people shared memes poking fun at his failed prophecy.

>>> Do also check out Part Two of this “TRUMP PROPHECIES” overview: “THE DEVIL’S PLANS FOR TRUMP