It actually shouldn’t even be a debate. Prince Charles as the first son of the reigning monarch should be king after her. However, over the past several years, various people have expressed preference for Prince William to take over from his grandmother when her reign is up.

And as it turns out, there are a few published prophecies that presumably gives God’s take on the matter.

“Should Prince Charles Stand Aside To Let William Become King? An Expert Tells Us Why He Won’t – GMB” — Nov 2020

This is NOT a prophecy, but secular analysis. I like to look at issues from the prophetic angle as well as the secular angle. And in the matter of will succeed Queen Elizabeth II, there are a couple of prophecies/dreams that have touched on this issue of Prince Charles NOT being given the throne. But in the secular realm as well, there are political analysts/commentators, etc who also share that opinion. This GMB interview gives an example of that. But you can find similar (secular) takes on this matter on YouTube dating back weeks, months and even several years.

“Prophetic Dream – Prince Charles is Not Going to Take the Throne – UK Royal Family Throne Prophecy – Live To Glorify” — Nov 2020

In November 2020, “Live to Glorify” YouTube channel published a prophetic dream that revealed what would happen if Prince Charles took the throne (as he is in line to do). This was a prophetic dream that the operator of the channel had earlier in 2020, but it does reference Neville Johnson‘s somewhat legendary supernatural encounter with the queen around 2014 or so – when he was literally translated (or teleported) from his parlor in Australia straight into the Queen Elizabeth’s quarters in the UK and warned her prophetically that Prince Charles should not be King even though he was next in line to the throne.

Here’s the crux of the dream and message by Live to Glorify:

If Prince Charles takes the throne, there will be a shaking in the church in the United Kingdom, deep oppression hooking into her…
If Prince Charles takes the throne, we will see a tight and oppressive binding of the United Kingdom’s church. What was once the home of some churches living by the Spirit will become a spiritual wasteland.
Pray and prophetically decree that Prince Charles would not take the throne and that God would rise up a righteous ruler in his place.

“The Perfect Will of God for UK and Queen Elizabeth II | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj” — Oct 2019

I already treated this Sadhu Sundar prophetic message in Section 1: Prophecies About Queen Elizabeth II. But I list it in this section again because in this message, Sadhu Sundar said that God had told him that one of the three things Queen Elizabeth had left to do before her reign was over was to NOT appoint Prince Charles as her successor. He said that the queen would need prayers for the wisdom and boldness to break constitutional protocol by making such a move.

Like the Live to Glorify message immediately above, Sadhu Sundar made in his message made reference to Prophet Neville Johnson‘s supernatural encounter with the queen (around 2014) on this subject of keeping Prince Charles from the throne. Neville Johnson was literally teleported from his sitting room in Australia to the queen’s quarters in the UK, and after she got over the shock of his sudden appearance in her room, Neville Johnson gave her the message God had for her.

Also, like Live to Glorify, Sadhu Sundar made clear that Prince Charles as king would bring oppression for the church in the UK and darkness in the country.

For more details of what the message entailed, and for a link to the actual 45-minute message by Sadhu Sundar (23 minutes of teaching and 22 minutes of prayer), check out Section 1.