Pulling together what God through prophetic persons has to say about the most famous royal family in the world…

No matter how prolific a prophet is, he or she only sees, knows and prophesies in part. No matter how detailed and accurate a particular prophecy is, it really is only a part of the larger puzzle. This principle certainly applies to prophecies about the UK Royal Family. This three-part prophecy collection seeks to bring together different prophetic pieces of the puzzle that is the destiny of the British Monarchy.

What remains for Queen Elizabeth II – the longest reigning British monarch – to do before her reign comes to an end? Who will or should replace her as head of state? And what is heaven saying about the unfolding drama around Meghan and Prince Harry?

Read on and find out! Happy viewing!


“A Critical Prophecy Over Queen Elizabeth for Such a Time as This” — Sept 2019

In this September 2019 update, Jennifer LeClaire introduced herself as the senior leader of The Awakening House of Prayer in South Florida, and the founder of the Ignite Apostolic Prophetic Network

And she continued her message thus:

But I’m coming to you today standing in the office of a prophet to share with you and to rally you to pray for Queen Elizabeth. She is a born again Christian. She is a mighty woman of God. She has the wisdom of Daniel upon her. She’s, slow to speak and quick to listen, and she is, perhaps, at a critical turning point in the nation — going to be a voice that can be, well, let’s say, a voice of reason. She’s always the voice of reason, always has been, but she has historically not said much publicly…

She eventually said that God was asking for prayers for the queen to have “boldness for one more bold move”, explain how else people could pray for the queen, and actually pray for the queen towards the end of the message..

As at September 2019, Jennifer LeClaire said she held a School of the Prophets and Seers in the UK on a monthly basis, and oversaw three Awakening House of Prayer hubs in England. Her YouTube channel (Jennifer LeClaire Ministries) has 157K subscribers as at early July 2021.

“The Perfect Will of God for UK and Queen Elizabeth II | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj” — Oct 2019

The program with the above title premiered on YouTube on October 20, 2019, and it credits AngelTV (which is the official YouTube channel of Bro. Sadhu Sundar’s Jesus Ministries) for the video. There are a few other channels that seem to have published a shorter version of the same message . Based on some of what Bro. Sadhu spoke about in the message, the message was given at an event in the UK, probably in Manchester or in London.

The video is a prophetic message about the enemy’s (Satan’s) attempts to tear apart the United Kingdom, and about three redemptive things that Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom was/is to do before her reign is up. Bro. Sadhu said that Queen Elizabeth II was – like Queen Esther in the Bible – born for such a time as this, and that God is preserving her life and her reign for her until her assignments are completed. (The Queen Esther reference is interesting, because Jennifer LeClaire video above also touched on the same metaphor/comparison.)

As far as the first part of the message – Satan’s plan to tear the UK apart – Prophet Sadhu says that he had seen a vision of a hand tearing apart the Union Jack (the flag of the UK). And he says that God told him the hand was the enemy’s (not His) and the plan was to stir Scotland and Northern Ireland to break away from the UK. Northern Ireland would then merge with Ireland to form one Ireland. By contrast, Prophet Sadhu says that God’s perfect will for the UK was for England, Wales, Scotland and all of Ireland (not just the northern part) to have been one United Kingdom.

As for the second part of the message, namely how the tide of darkness trying to engulf the UK can be averted, this is what Bro. Sadhu had to say. He said that God told him, “My light will break out [in the UK]. But she [Queen Elizabeth] is the one to do it.” So here are three things the queen must do, according to Bro. Sadhu’s heavenly revelations:

  1. Support Brexit. We must pray that Queen Elizabeth must be bold to not give her consent for the UK to remain in the EU, Bro. Sadhu said. She has already done this, in as much as she gave her consent to the Boris Johnson government for Brexit to be finalized.
  2. Promote Righteousness. Again, he said God said believers should pray that the queen would be bold to not give her consent for unrighteousness to engulf the land.
  3. Skip Charles in terms of Kingly Succession. Bro. Sadhu said God told him that believers should pray that the queen would not appoint Prince Charles as the next king of the UK – even though constitutionally, Charles is next in line for the throne.


Here are similar themes that I see in messages by Jennifer LeClaire and Sadhu Sundar in this section, and the Prince Charles prophetic dream by “Live To Glorify” Ministry in SECTION 2).

  1. The Church Should Pray For Boldness For The Queen To Complete Her Divine Assignments. Both the Jennifer LeClaire message from September 2019 and the Prophet Sadhu Sundar message from mid-October 2019 touch on this theme.
  2. The Church Should Pray That Prince Charles Is Not Appointed King After Queen Elizabeth Ii’s Reign. The Bro. Sadhu Sundar message touches on this, as well as the message by “Live to Glorify” (2020) in the next section on the next page. Both messages also reference Prophet Neville Johnson’s supernatural encounter with the queen (around 2014) on this subject of keeping Prince Charles from the throne.