As a HUB for end times prophecy and prophecy-in-the-news, ApocalypseNowMedia.com is about highlighting the intersection or convergence of prophecies with actual geopolitical events. Or, to put it in layman’s terms, God has already been speaking or has something to say about much of the big headlines dominating the news, and ApocalypseNowMedia.com exists to draw attention to that divine perspective.
COVID-19 is no different. While this pandemic seemed to catch much of the world by surprise, it did NOT catch God by surprise. If you look well enough, you will find that even YEARS before the outbreak, God had warned people about it through some of His prophets.
Here is the #ApNowMedia list of prophecies about COVID-19 arranged chronologically in terms of when the prophecies were documented (i.e. written, published, broadcast, etc), with the number of views indicated in some instances to give an indication of the numbers of people checking out these prophecies.
These prophecies are broken into two main sections:
1) COVID-19 prophecies issued BEFORE the outbreak began in Wuhan, China in November 2019.
2) COVID-19 prophecies issued AFTER the outbreak began.
Before we get to the list though, I deal briefly with a very crucial question as to why many if not most of the major prophetic voices in Christendom seemed to fail to foresee such a life and economy disrupting event like the COVID-19 pandemic.
If indeed these are prophecies from God, then you may find some revelations, insights, and themes repeated or confirmed across multiple prophecies. As the Bible says in several places, let every word be established by two or three witnesses (Deuteronomy 17:6, Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:28).
Your Biggest Takeaway: I would love to know which prophecy is your favorite (and why), and maybe which one is your least favorite. Or perhaps, you can say what your biggest takeaway is from these prophecies. You can indicate that in the Comments section below.
Cheers for checking out this prophecy-in-the-news list! Be sure to come back, because I will update this list often.
Firstly, I like to look at issues from different perspectives – to do 360-degree angles on them if possible. In general, as I prayerfully read, watch and study prophecies and predictions and their fulfillment in current affairs, I try to keep an open mind. When I come across thinkers or perspectives that are very different than mine, one of two things will happen: These different perspectives will either make me more confident in my own prior beliefs, perspectives, and predictions, or they will help me see the flaws and errors in my prior thinking – and that would, in turn, help me make the needed adjustments to my beliefs and actions.
With that in mind, before I even start sharing the COVID-19 prophecies (and predictions in some cases), here is one devil’s advocate perspective: That the failure of many popular prophets to see or announce this unprecedented COVID-19 event and the fallout societal lock-downs and global economic recession shows us that they are false prophets and outright frauds.
I mean, that’s pretty much what Justin Peters argues in the the video titled “Coronavirus Exposes False Prophets”.
Coronavirus Exposes False Prophets
26.4K subscriber-strong Justin Peters Ministries published this video on March 20, 2020, and got over 121K views by early April 2020. Justin Peters seems to love Jesus Christ and wants to see people saved. I think he makes some good points but misses some things.
Here’s what the video description says:
Few things have exposed the theological bankruptcy of the modern charismatic prophets as acutely and irrefutably as has the coronavirus pandemic which the world is now enduring. In January of this year, Sid Roth invited 20 of the top names in the charismatic prophetic movement to share with the world what God was telling them about the year 2020. This video will irrefutably prove that none of these so-called prophets are hearing from God.
Corona | The Lord says ‘this is not the end of the world! This is the Distraction!’
Whereas Justin Peters made some understandable accusations of contemporary prophets and the gift of prophecy itself, in this video, U.K-based prophet Tomi Arayomi addressed the core assertion or misconception behind Justin Peter’s accusations.
This video was published by March 17, 2020 and got over 110K views by early April 2020 – to give you a sense of the kind of numbers of persons this COVID-19 prophecy has reached. The Tomi Arayomi’s RIG Nation YouTube channel that published the video had about 32.3K subscribers as at early April 2020.
Tomi Arayomi is famous for having prophesied the elections of Barack Obama in 2008 and Donald Trump in August of 2016. And prophecies he made concerning the UK’s David Cameron, Theresa May, and current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, have also proved accurate.
But, he did NOT foresee this Corona pandemic and like much of the planet, was blindsided by the pandemic and societal meltdown that has followed. This drove Tomi Aroyomi to much fervent midnight (3 am) prayers on the subject. And he found comfort knowing that well-known prophet Chuck Pierce had prophesied about the pandemic (“plague-like conditions” he called it) back in September of 2019.
So while he and other prophets may have “missed” it, God showed it to other prophets. We see in part, and hear in part, Tomi Arayomi said. And according to him, that’s for the best, so that no prophet would get a god-complex.
Ultimately, while many across the world – influenced by over-hyped mainstream media reports – have feared doom and gloom, Tomi Arayomi insists that the Corona pandemic is a distraction from the things that God is fixing to do through His church even in this season,
As touching when this crisis will end, Tomi Arayomi said the Lord said:
“…I will take that which the enemy meant for harm, and I shall turn it for good… There will be those who legislate for the ending of the gathering places. But then it shall be too late. For as quickly as it [corona] has come, so soon shall be its sudden departure. The nations shall gather to build new places to fortify against this threat.”
In this video, Tomi Arayomi also includes a clip from Dr. Sharon Stone (his spiritual mother who helped him develop his gift of prophecy) in which she says that this pandemic is ahead of its time and is thus illegal. And since it is illegal, God has given us the authority to stop it.