⭐️ THE EARLIEST PROPHECY I’VE SEEN OF VP MIKE PENCE POINTS TO A TWO-TERM PRESIDENCY FOR HIM January 6, 2021January 7, 2021JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment Donald Trump usually gets so much media and prophecy attention, one hardly hears as much from or about his Vice President, Mike Pence. [...]
FAILURE TO LAUNCH? WAS THAT DUD CONFETTI A BAD OMEN FOR THE BIDENS OR AMERICA? January 2, 2021January 3, 2021JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment I think Newsmax TV’s Emerald Robinson has a point: The Biden’s dud confetti popper in their new year message could be seen as [...]
KEVIN SORBO ON HOW TO END LOCKDOWNS IN 15 MINUTES: DECLARE CONGRESS NON-ESSENTIAL December 29, 2020January 2, 2021JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment So many Hollywood celebrities seem to be wittingly and unwittingly pro-New World Order, that I go out of my way to notice those [...]
#USElectionChaos: THE EARLIEST JOE BIDEN PROPHECY I’VE SEEN (DATED JULY 30, 2013) December 20, 2020December 20, 2020JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment First of all, there aren’t that many prophecies on Joe Biden published online – at least, not when compared to the many, many [...]
DID BARACK OBAMA JUST SAY HE IS A DEEP STATE PUPPET MASTER??? December 17, 2020September 1, 2021JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment Would the Biden-Harris (or Harris-Biden) Administration be a front for a Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) third term? Has BHO, in fact, “made an [...]
#USElectionChaos: THE EARLIEST KAMALA HARRIS PROPHECY (FROM 2017) I’VE SEEN SO FAR December 15, 2020February 4, 2021JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment THE ABUNDANCE OF PRO-TRUMP PROPHECIES I have seen MINIMUM 60 (sixty) prophecies of Donald Trump over the years – which invariably state that [...]
#USElectionChaos: “70 Days Shift” Prophecy Says Trump Will Win By Jan 16th December 6, 2020December 7, 2020JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment Did the Trump Prophecies of a two-term presidency and a 2020 re-election win get it wrong? If you ask the liberal mainstream press, [...]
#USElectionChaos: GOD IS “DETHRONING EVIL”, SAYS MARK TAYLOR November 14, 2020January 31, 2021JON, Lead Trumpeter 1 Mark Taylor is adamant that God will give Trump victory in the recounts and courts – giving Trump a second term as POTUS. [...]
ENEMIES OF POTUS, GEN FLYNN “WILL BE MADE A PUBLIC SPECTACLE” – MARK TAYLOR October 4, 2020October 4, 2020JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment According to Prophet Mark Taylor, the enemies of Donald Trump and General Flynn “will be made a public spectacle. They will be publicly [...]
💰 TIME SENSITIVE FREEBIES: THE $26.1 TRILLION DOLLAR OPPORTUNITY – PLUS FREE BOOK UP FOR GRABS! June 14, 2020June 16, 2020JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment ONE FREE TRAINING TODAY CAN SET YOU FINANCIALLY FREE FOR LIFE! Right now, politicians and health experts are debating about when and how [...]