When I first read this petition, I found it revolting. My gut reaction was one of this: “I will NOT sign this petition. Rather, I will BLOG about it….”
Why Blog about it? Because it is a perfect example of the MISINFORMATION and DECEPTION that is being waged on the Western public by the Western Mainstream Media and the New World Order elites that control it from the shadows.
Careful observation of the facts via diverse media sources leads me to the conclusion that THIS NARRATIVE IS GROTESQUE PROPAGANDA. The ongoing Crisis in Syria [and Iraq] is in truth NOT precipitated by Assad’s bombs, but by the supply of arms to ISIS by the West and their Middle Eastern proxies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
I received the petition via, written supposedly by Khaled, a Syrian and a member of the White Helmet rescue volunteers working in the Syrian Arab Republic. Here is an excerpt from the petiton:


My name is Khaled, and I am writing to you from Aleppo, Syria. It was Syria’s second biggest city, but millions have fled to escape the violence, and those who have stayed have had their lives threatened by the bombs constantly dropped on the city.

I am a White Helmet. We are a group of volunteer rescue workers who rush to the site of these bombings to rescue civilians. We have saved more than 23,000 lives with our bare hands. But no matter how hard we work, innocent people are being killed by these terrible bombs. International governments must take action. They can prevent the Syrian Government’s bombers from attacking civilians.

Please ask Prime Minister, David Cameron, to stop the bombings that Syrians are fleeing from.

Syrians like me don’t want to have to leave our homes — we are being forced out by bombs that are destroying our neighbourhoods and killing us. In February 2014 the UN Security Council banned barrel bombs. It must follow through on its demand to stop the bombs, introducing a ‘no-fly zone’ if necessary. Stopping the bombs would save lives, and reduce the terror that has forced so many of my fellow Syrians out of our country.

The United Kingdom and other governments across the world can save countless lives, and end one of the biggest causes of the Syrian refugee crisis, by stopping the bombings.

This single action can make a massive difference. I know fellow Syrians, now refugees in other countries, who have said that they would be back home in days if the hell that is being dropped on them from the sky was to stop.

Stopping the bombings would save thousands of lives instantly. Please help me bring my Syrian brothers and sisters back home.