I cannot remember when exactly I first saw John Paul Jackson talking on Marcus and Joni Lamb’s Daystar TV, but I do recall that he spoke about having a dream in which he saw Israel attack Iran, oil prices rose high as a result and military tensions in the region escalate. The message stayed in the back of my mind over the years as the world watched tensions build up between Israel and a nuclear-energy hungry Iran. It seemed consistent with messages (by John Hagee and others) about the four blood moon solar eclipses of 2014-2015 and consistent with New World Order “conspiracy theories” about the desire of some globalists to use the Israel-Iran tension to plunge the world into a conflict that would eliminate 90% of the world’s population.
For some reason, I decided to re-watch John Paul Jackson’s Coming Perfect Storm prophecy in late December 2013. As I listened, one of the prophecies made in 2008 caught my attention – that Russia would try to take over the Ukraine. Why this caught my attention was because all the mainstream media (CNN, BBC, etc) were reporting about the protests in Ukraine that arose because Russia seemed to be encouraging the Ukrainian leadership to pull away from closer ties with the EU in favour of an energy and trade agreement with Russia. I was AMAZED that something John Paul Jackson had said SIX YEARS EARLIER was playing in out in actual geopolitics at the time and receiving much attention in the news. I knew then I really had to pay more attention to the Perfect Storm prophecy as well as to the then unfolding crisis in Ukraine.
was INTIMATELY involved with the overthrow of Kiev’s democratically elected government.
Alternatives to the mainstream media – both within and outside the U.S. – like Russian TV News (RT News), and the controversial Alex Jones’, all seemed to be singing a much different tune than the Western corporate media narrative about the crisis in Ukraine. In February 2014, a leaked bombshell message showed the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, discussing with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (Geoffrey Pyatt) REGIME CHANGE in Ukraine and which opposition parties they would prop up in the new government. She was clearly heard literally telling the EU to F@*k off while also discussing how the would use the UN to rubber-stamp the State Department’s Kiev power play. Meanwhile, all along, the Obama administration had been telling the media and world that they were not interfering in any way in internal Ukrainian affairs.
But that was far from the case. And as I researched into the matter more in the alternative media, and got confirmations from God in my own dreams at night, in a nutshell, I was awakened to the existence of the unfolding Luciferian New World Order agenda we see causing chaos the world over. So you see, I have to credit the fulfillment of this small part of John Paul Jackson’s 2008 “Coming Perfect Storm” prophecy with my personal GREAT AWAKENING…
Just some of the events John Paul Jackson prophesied back in 2008!
John Paul Jackson said that he argued with God (in Jonah-type fashion) for a year before finally taking this prophetic message public. But fortunately for us all, in 2008, John Paul Jackson began to speak publicly about what he said God called “the coming perfect storm”. He said much of what the Lord had been showing him would mature in about 10 years time and emphasized that while his prophecies sounded like the wrath of God towards America, it actually was a loving Father Who was trying to draw the nation back from straying from the righteous purposes for which it was founded.
“The Perfect Storm” is a phrase that came from a 2000 disaster film of the same title starring George Clooney and Mark Whalberg, and based on true events from 1991. In the film, merging weather patterns created a superstorm that caught a fishing boat and its crew off guard and ultimately destroyed them.
The perfect storm that John Paul Jackson talked about is not just a merging of weather patterns, but a merging of religious, political, military, economic and geophysical crises that can make the resulting series of superstorms exponentially more dangerous and devastating. John Paul Jackson said that over this ten year period, the superstorms would vary in location, frequency, duration and intensity, depending on the number of elements that combine to form the storms, and the intensity of those particular constituent elements.
According to John Paul Jackson, the reason this perfect storm was coming is because God wants America and the nations of the world to turn back to Himself and righteous living. The unrighteousness and sin that had increasingly marked the culture of the nations had pushed God’s hand a bit away from the nation, allowing for the enemy to strike with these devastating storms. The heart of God in this matter is captured in Jeremiah 18:7-12, where God warned His people to turn back from their wicked ways to prevent upcoming disasters. At the heart of this perfect storm prophecy is a call to prayer and repentance.
in New York in January 2012
If you want to know more about John Paul Jackson’s personal story – how his mother carried him in the womb for 11 months, how God saved him from death numerous times, how God called him, etc – then you want to watch this message. The first part centers around a tribute to his father (who had just passed away at the time) and his personal life story, while the second part focuses and national/international prophecies and how we can weather the storm.