FOUR HORSEMEN – The Debate September 23, 2015January 26, 2017JON, Lead Trumpeter It is GOOD to see a “Four Horsemen” debate from two years ago, even though this particular one was limited to analysis of [...]
DR KARLA TURNER’S WELL-RESEARCHED EXPOSITIONS OF ALIEN ACTIVITY ON EARTH September 22, 2015January 15, 2016JON, Lead Trumpeter “…He Awakens My Understanding to His Will…” Sometimes I go to sleep with some YouTube video playing in the background. It could be [...]
LEHMAN BROTHERS COLLAPSE, 7 YEARS ON… September 15, 2015December 16, 2015JON, Lead Trumpeter In the midst of a highly contested Presidential Race (especially within the Republican Party), and exactly seven years after the Lehman Brothers collapse, [...]
ECONOMIC STATISTICS THE CORPORATE MEDIA WON’T TELL YOU August 21, 2015March 18, 2021JON, Lead Trumpeter #1. THE SHEMITAH MARKET CRASHES. There is reportedly a cyclical market crash every seven years – 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994, 2001, 2008 – [...]
RISE OF ISIS: IS THE SIXTH TRUMPET UPON US??? July 21, 2015November 4, 2018JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment Many Christians seem to be aware of Jesus Christ’s promise to return for His church and for this planet. Many Christians are probably [...]
THINGS FROM WHICH AMERICA NEEDS INDEPENDENCE July 6, 2015January 21, 2017JON, Lead Trumpeter Comment I agree with Campaign for Liberty‘s photo of Ron Paul! That’s the way it should be in America: The Personal Income Tax and [...]
Are You Ready For ALIENS? NASA Seems to Be!!! May 8, 2015September 23, 2015JON, Lead Trumpeter CNN Tweeted this on Saturday April 11, 2015: “NASA chief scientist says we’ll have “indications” of alien life by 2025.” The Tweet was [...]
FROM THE PROPHET’S DESK ~ Rumblings in the Earth November 24, 2014December 16, 2015JON, Lead Trumpeter A couple of TRENDS to expect in the years ahead regarding those who will maintain their commitment to Jesus Christ: Growing hatred and [...]
JUST UNDER 11 MONTHS UNTIL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE? A MUST SEE VIDEO!!! October 18, 2014December 15, 2015JON, Lead Trumpeter In the Judeo-Christian traditions, THE SHEMITAH is the “Sabbath Year” and it comes every seven years. The Year 5775 in the Jewish calendar [...]