Anti-Joe Biden chants “Let’s ho Brandon” and “F*** Joe Biden” continue to reverberate around America and reportedly beyond the US as well. This is true not only at sporting events but online on social media as well, even as Loza Alexander’s “Let’s Go Brandon” rap tops iTunes’ hip hop chart and ranks #2 on the iTunes US chart.
In this post, I take a brief look at the hit song quite alright.
But I also (crucially) look briefly at the history of the use of the ‘F’ word to publicly denounce the sitting President of the US (POTUS). I do this for Barrack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and suggest that in this season if high stakes politics, there is an escalation in the use of the ‘F’ bomb to publicly disparage the so-called leaders of the free world.
As many are aware, the “Let’s go Brandon” chants began when an NBC NASCAR (Kelli Stavast) reporter was interviewing Brandon Brown, who had won the NASCAR race in Alabama in early October 2021. Little did she know, the reporter’s efforts to cover up for Joe Biden (or at least, if we should give her the benefit of the doubt in terms of political bias, to simply keep her news footage free from profanity) would turn into a movement that would sweep across the US and abroad.
Lola Alexander feature’s that news footage in the backdrop of his rap video. Everyone can clearly hear the crowd in the back chanting “F*** Joe Biden” (FJB).
But even before that NASCAR event, there were quite a number of video uploads from all across America showing anti-Biden chants, booing, and/or heckling. For instance, at Super Bowl LV in Florida in February 2021, the Bidens were reportedly booed when their prerecorded Covid-related message appeared on the large screen.
MSM reporters however denied that there were such anti-Biden boos. (Perhaps this is why months later the NBC NASCAR reporter almost instinctively took the position of denying or deliberately misinterpreting the Joe Biden insult. The precedent of MSM trying to deny such public display of anti-Biden sentiments had been set long before the Brandon Brown interview on October 2, 2021 that would go viral.)
At any rate, there was clearly a lot of frustration with the way things were going in America since Biden took office as POTUS. The botched Afghanistan withdrawal dealt a huge blow to Biden’s job approval ratings, especially among independents that had supported him.
Frustration with the Biden admin was such that video clips of people chanting FJB at professional and college sports games all across the country went viral on social media from February 2021 to September.
And video clips of people booing and/or heckling Joe Biden in New Jersey (shortly after the disastrous Afghanistan exit – during his Hurricane Ida tour) and at ground zero in New York City (at the 9/11 20th anniversary event) also went viral on social media.
Of course, left leaning mainstream news platforms like CNN and MSNBC stayed far away from broadcasting such anti-Biden video clips. But Joe Biden himself referred to the FJB signs in a couple of interviews he gave, including one he did on 9/11. Were the insults getting to him?
So these anti-Biden boos, signs and chants have greeted Joe Biden virtually everywhere (California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, etc) he visited in the early months of his presidency. Even at public gatherings like sports events that had nothing to do with him, the FJB chants were there also. And of course, at protests of Biden policies, the FJB chants have also surfaced.
Unfortunately for Mr Biden and his sensibilities, the now famous Brandon Brown interview and the “Let’s go Brandon” (LGB) in early October has only taken the FJB thing to a whole new level
Watch “LET’S GO BRANDON – Theme Song – Liza Alexander – {OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)”
Loza Alexander’s hit song premiered on October 11, 2021, and has garnered 2.3M+ views already. The rapper and his family already celebrated success when the video hit 1M views on YouTube within a week.
Here’s the official video from the rapper’s YouTube channel. Be warned though, because it contains some explicit content. For example, you definitely hear the unedited “f*** Joe Biden” (FJB) chants from the now-famous MSNBC interview of Brandon.
“But we know what they sayin’, though“
This is how some of the lyrics go:
Don’t nobody like his ass, huh?
Tried to cover up, but tell the people, go Brandon
But we know what they sayin’, though
You can hear thе chant in every post
Don’t nobody want this commie ‘causе we not in China
Everybody hated Trump, and now they out to catch a body
That’s what they get for treatin’ us like we in Squid Game
Dream light, mandate like he’s insane
These times, people wakin’ up to e’erything
Go Brandon, but we all know what the sayin’ mean
[You can check out the full lyrics at and other sites.
According to Washington Times, the New Jersey rapper credited Fox News for featuring it on-air, as well as Donald Trump Jr and Steven Crowder (a conservative YouTube host) for promoting the song on social media.
As stated earlier, the song is going viral not only in the US, but also in Canada, the UK, and Australia, where the song featured on the iTunes top 10 lists for those countries within a week of it’s release.
Watch “Anti-Biden chants continue as ‘Let’s go Brandon’ rap hits no.1 on iTunes”
Ir’s a bit crazy to think that this “Let’s go Brandon” (LGB) movement started only a few weeks back, on October 2. Maybe because the broader “F*** Joe Biden” (FJB) thing has been going on a bit longer than the LGB double speak.
I first found out about the Loza Alexander rap song via Sky News Australia. The one problem I had with the reporting though was the claim by the Sky News lady that the NBC reporter “mistook” the FJB chants for LGB cheers.
That did NOT seem to be a mistake. The reporter, Kelli Stavast, heard it clearly and was even laughing a bit – actually trying to hold back more laughter. It was a deliberate cover-up on the part of the MSNBC reporter.
We already treated the background of public anti-Biden boos, chants, slurs and insults. But looking at prior US presidents, I don’t really remember such ‘F bomb’ chants with Obama as can be heard of Biden across sporting events throughout America today. And while the left/liberals (encouraged by MSM’s #Russiagate lies and Hollywood) hated Mr. Trump very much, we really did not see “F*** Trump” memes or chants go mega-viral as they have with POTUS46.
I searched “f*** Obama” on Google and YouTube, but didn’t really find anything in the top results in Google.
The YouTube search, however, showed a couple of songs with that title from eight or more years ago. But I must stress that the highest view count on these was 19K. That’s hardly viral in my book.
There is a short skit that bears “F*** Obama” as the title, but if you look at it, it seems to be more of a mockery of the Tea Party wing of the Republicans than it is an actual jab and slur at Obama himself.
Basically, it looks like during the Obama era, even though many conservatives thought the worst of Obama (some literally felt he was the Antichrist), the use of the F word to publicly denounce that sitting POTUS was minimal, isolated — rare. It seems you would have to go out of your way to find such anti-Obama cries.
By contrast, with Joe Biden, the LGB/FBJ slurs are all over social media in the comments section and can be heard at sporting events and concerts even if you weren’t looking to come across them.
That’s a definite escalation in the willingness of the public to openly insult the sitting president with the F-bomb.
But then came Donald J Trump, and the 2016 Presidential Election. Both he and Hillary Clinton had some of the highest negative ratings of US presidential candidates going into that election. Trump’s shock victory unleashed a wave not just of the sort of mockery we saw pre-election but of quite a bit of MSM-fuelled hatred for Trump from the left. And that hatred included unprecedented use of the F-bomb in public denouncements of the sitting POTUS.
There was the “F*** Trump” speech by legendary actor Robert de Niro at the Tony Awards in New York in June 2018. (I should say that Trump and de Niro seem to have had public spats over the years, and De Niro had been a vocal critic of the Trump admin from the onset.) The upload by the UK’s The Guardian of the de Niro comments and the standing ovation from the crowd has received 3.5M views – with 43K Likes and 21K Dislikes – so far.
So there certainly were ‘F bomb’ (I.e ‘f*** Trump’) chants and t-shirts, etc among Never-Trumpers during Trump’s presidency. But such public chants weren’t as widespread as we see with Biden today.
Even POTUS44 (Obama) reportedly used the F word to condemn POTUS45 (Trump) in private remarks/speeches to political/foundation donors.
The book Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump said that Obama denounced Trump as a “madman”, “racist, sexist pig”, “corrupt motherf***er” and “f***ing lunatic”. This report came out in June 2021
The “Let’s go Brandon” is an escalation in American society of publicly condemning the sitting POTUS in a profane way. Of course, the unique thing about the LGB chant/meme is that it enables people to be vulgar without being vulgar. Everyone knows what you mean when one says/tweets/comments it, but technically one isn’t being profane.
I saw one interview where three kids (young teens) were being interviewed before a sporting event or so. One of the teens, right at the end of the short interview, leans forward and says, “Let’s go Brandon.” And the interviewer was dumbfounded. He simply didn’t see that coming and was just speechless.
I suspect that this “Let’s go Brandon” movement will only spread and intensify as America’s woes (porous southern border, inflation, supply chain breakdown, etc) continue. The more that this rude awakening continues, the more LGB/FJB will reverberate across the nation.
The interesting thing will be to see how the establishment MSM and Big Tech companies react to this mega-viral expression of popular discontent. For now, they seem to be ignoring the movement. But it wouldn’t be a surprise to see them wage an all-out offensive against the expression soon enough.