Would the Biden-Harris (or Harris-Biden) Administration be a front for a Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) third term? Has BHO, in fact, “made an arrangement” to be a puppet master, with Biden and Harris as his puppets?
Check out this tweet and video to see what I mean. Let’s hear from the horse’s mouth.
I’m not sure exactly when this interview took place. But here’s what the former POTUS said in the 30-second video clip from an interview with comedian, political commentator and TV host, Stephen Colbert:
Colbert: Given what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?
Obama: I used to say, ‘You know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man, or front-woman, and they had an ear piece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, then I could sort of deliver the lines but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony – I’d be fine with that.
Of course, he makes it seem like a joke, but BHO could well have been telling the world plainly the sort of scheme they are playing.
There is a whistleblower, Pastor Lindsey Williams, who says he worked with what he calls the New World Order (NWO) elite on the huge trans-Alaskan oil pipeline projects in the late 1970s. He worked with, lived with, and ate with them for three years and saw firsthand the kind of influence they had over OPEC, global markets, geopolitics, etc.
Lindsey Williams has said many times that these guys are bound, one way or the other, by their code of ethics to tell the world what they are up to – in terms of influencing geopolitics and global markets. It could be an interview they use to discuss their occultic (secretive) plans. Or they could use a TV show or movie, or song, or news article, etc.
Now, the way I see it (this bit is not what Pastor Lindsey Williams said, but my perspective), it could be that these elite are giving the world, via such veiled disclosures, the choice to go with what they plan or to resist it. It is like how (according to the Bible) God gave Adam and Eve choice in the Garden of Eden to eother obey him or to disobey him by eating from the forbidden tree of knowledge.
So these globalist elites presumably reveal their plans in a coded way. And they can always say to the world at the end, ‘We told you so’, even if it did not seem like they did.
Anyway, back to exploring signs that BHO is actually pulling a lot of strings from behind the scenes.
The Obama comments above are packaged as a joke, but the following comments do not seem to be a joke. In mid-December 2020, video clip confessions by Patrick Byrne (founder and former CEO of Overstock) surfaced on Twitter. In the clip from an interview, Patrick claims that then-President Obama hijacked the DOJ (Department of Justice) and the FBI, and attempted to bribe and control Hillary Clintor (HRC) ahead of the 2016 Presidential election.
Patrick Byrne also said that prior to the $18 million bribe that he was personally involved in facilitating, Hillary had accepted a bribe from Turkey for $20 million. These were at least two things, according to his “Bunsen Burner theory”, that the Deep State Obama people would use to control for the eight years they presumed she would be POTUS.
While Mr. Byrne seems very serious about what he’s saying, even some Mr. Trump supporters (going by the replies to the above tweets) would like to see more evidence backing his allegations against BHO and HRC. But for many conservatives and Trump supporters, these allegations by Patrick Byrne, along with BHO’s joke about running a third term through surrogates, are further proof that HRC is crooked, and that BHO is some sort of Deep State puppet master that is himself playing his role in a New World Order hijack of America.
In light of these recent interview disclosures by BHO (arguably an arrogant, joking admission of some sort puppeteer scheme to control the office of the POTUS) and Patrick Byrne (alleging that BHO tried to use an FBI “sting operation” to control HRC), combined with drip by drip declassification and revelations over the past few years concerning #SpyGate or #ObamaGate (whatever you want to call it), I just keep watching and praying for truth and divine justice to prevail in the American and global political systems.
We have heard and seen some prophecies over the years about sealed indictments being acted upon and/or military tribunals being set up to prosecute and jail those who have been “too big too jail”. For example, Mark Taylor since prior to November 2016 has been saying that God has told him that military tribunals will be set up in America to clean up the corruption, and that even Obama would be ripped and stripped of the title of President for his acts of treason over the years. Even ahead of these US 2020 Elections, a few of the prophecies (by Dr. Kevin Zadai for example) that reveal the thousands of sealed indictments with AG Bill Barr and John Durham being acted upon to bring true justice and cleansing in the American political system.
For the vision awaits an appointed time;
it testifies of the end and does not lie.
Though it lingers, wait for it,
since it will surely come and will not delay.
~ Habakkuk 2:3, Berean Study Bible
Naturally, many have grown weary about the seeming failure of these prophecies – or the prolonged delays. But I know that many Christians in and out of America continue to watch and pray fervently about these things. You can check out and even bookmark this blog’s MILITARY TRIBUNALS PAGE where I’ve been capturing some of these prophecies – as well as signs and evidences of their fulfillment in actual current affairs and geopolitics – over the years for easier tracking. And I will continue to update that page from time to time as relevant developments arise, as per the instructions given to Prophet Habakkuk in the Bible:
1 I will stand at my guard post
and station myself on the ramparts.
I will watch to see what He will say to me,
and how I should answer when corrected.2 Then the LORD answered me:
“Write down this vision
and clearly inscribe it on tablets,
so that a herald may run with it.3 For the vision awaits an appointed time;
it testifies of the end and does not lie.
Though it lingers, wait for it,
since it will surely come and will not delay.4 Look at the proud one; his soul is not upright —
~ Habakkuk 2:1-4, Berean Study Bible
but the righteous will live by faith —
Hopefully, 2021 will be a big breakthrough year with regards to draining out the big creatures of the New World Order Deep State swamp.