Every year, many prophets and churches/ministries release prophecies for the year either before, on or shortly after New Year’s Day. Aside from that, people from around the world sometimes share relevant0 prophecies, dreams and/or visions ahead of special events like presidential/general elections and referendums.

Find below some of these prophecies organized by the nations, regions and continents that may well constitute the “TEN TOES” (Daniel 7)/“TEN HORNS” (Revelation 13, 17) END TIMES REGIONS foretold in the Bible. We can expect to see thus continental federations emerging in the run up to the formation of a totalitarian one-world government that will mark the final world order of this age. This is the same global government push that has often been tagged as the “New World Order” (NWO) in geopolitics discourse since the early 1900s — by elites and leaders like Cecil Rhodes, Adolf Hitler, George H.W. Bush, and many others.

This is the same end time global beast or government that TERRIFIED the living daylights out of the prophet Daniel. And this is the same global government that is depicted as a beast with seven heads and ten horns and seen to be ridden (or controlled by) “MYSTERY BABYLON” in the book of Revelation that closes out the Bible.

None of us is as smart as all of us. If you are aware of any credible national and/or end times prophecies that you think should be added to the list, then please mention it in the comments section below, or send the info by email to vigilant@apocalypsenowmedia.com.

And also indicate in the comments section which prophecies you find most helpful.

Cheers. =)


THE 1911 PROPHECY. A prophecy that seems to be very accurate in terms of world events over the past century, and that has encouraged Christians to pray for their countries for decades. While much of these events (1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, World War 2 in Europe, the Brexit vote) have already transpired, ind out key SHOCKING events that are in store for America, Russia, and China in the years ahead. A must-read (and a must-pray with respect to the unfulfilled prophecies for America, Russia, and China).

JOHN PAUL JACKSON – THE COMING PERFECT STORM (2008 PROPHECY). The perfect storm that John Paul Jackson spoke about beginning in 2008 is not just a merging of weather patterns (like in the 2000 movie starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg), but a merging of religious, political, military, economic and geophysical crises in America and around the world that would make the resulting series of superstorms exponentially more dangerous and devastating. John Paul Jackson said that over this 2008-2022 period, the superstorms would vary in location, frequency, duration and intensity, depending on the number of elements that combine to form the storms, and the intensity of those particular constituent elements. Quite frankly, this prophecy is a must-watch!

  • JOHN PAUL JACKSON – FUTURE NEWS HEADLINES. In this Prophetic Update (dated October 2012), the late John Paul Jackson revealed headlines showing (in many cases) shocking, unprecedented events that would become news in the US and the world. A must-read!!!

*2020 UPDATE* — PROPHECIES ON COVID-19 AND THE VACCINES. The Covid-19 plan-demic took much of the world unawares. But not God. A careful look at some prophecies given years before the November 2019 Covid-19 outbreak pointed to such an event. Find out what God said through various prophecies on Covid both prior to the outbreak, and after the China and global outbreak of the pandemic.

  • COVID-19 IN PROPHECY: HEAVEN’S PERSPECTIVE ON COVID-19. This page lists all credible prophecies (and a couple of “secular” predictions) about COVID-19. They are listed chronologically in terms of when they were documented or published, and there are two major categories: COVID-19 prophecies issued BEFORE the Wuhan outbreak of late 2019, and the COVID-19 prophecies issued AFTER the outbreak.

*MUST SEE* — GOD SAYS WE ONLY HAVE NINE YEARS | 2021 PROPHECY | Tomi Arayomi. This video Premiered on YouTube on January 4, 2021 and racked up about 170K views as at mid-February 2021. This must-see prophecy touches on the Church, America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Luxemburg and on end times issues like growing Big Tech censorship.

PART 2: END TIMES PROPHECIES FOR THE NATIONS — for the following continents/regions/continental federations:

  1. North America (Canada, the USA, & Mexico — that will likely combine to form a “North American Union” continental federation…)
  2. Europe (Britain, the EU)
  3. Japan
  4. Oceanica (Australia, New Zealand, etc)
  5. Russia

PART 3: END TIMES PROPHECIES FOR THE NATIONS — for the following continents/regions/continental federations:


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