It is GOOD to see a "Four Horsemen" debate from two years ago, even though this particular one was limited…
"...He Awakens My Understanding to His Will..." Sometimes I go to sleep with some YouTube video playing in the background. …
In the midst of a highly contested Presidential Race (especially within the Republican Party), and exactly seven years after the…
#1. THE SHEMITAH MARKET CRASHES. There is reportedly a cyclical market crash every seven years - 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994,…
Many Christians seem to be aware of Jesus Christ's promise to return for His church and for this planet. Many…
I agree with Campaign for Liberty's photo of Ron Paul! That's the way it should be in America: The Personal…
CNN Tweeted this on Saturday April 11, 2015: "NASA chief scientist says we’ll have “indications” of alien life by 2025."…
A couple of TRENDS to expect in the years ahead regarding those who will maintain their commitment to Jesus Christ:…
In the Judeo-Christian traditions, THE SHEMITAH is the "Sabbath Year" and it comes every seven years. The Year 5775 in…