On August 1, 2021, Destiny Encounters International Ministries based in Moravian Falls, North Carolina, USA published on YouTube a video clip of it’s co-founder Prophet Charlie Shamp releasing a “prophecy for America” on corruption, the Biden-Harris Admin, the eagle and the dragon, and the unfolding Great Awakening. He made these prophetic statements at a public worship event that took place on July 29, 2021.
This blog post 1) gives a bit of a background on Charlie Shamp, 2) breaks down his July 29 prophetic statements into four clear thematic segments, before 3) providing the video link for your own viewing and assessment.
Recall that many prophets came under heavy fire – especially from within the church itself – for having issued pro-Trump prophecies prior to the 2020 Presidential Election that seemed to prove false. Some of these prophets reportedly ‘apologized’ for having ‘missed it’, but many others have doubled and tripled down on their election prophecies that promised a Trump re-election.
Charlie Shamp seems to be among those still declaring that heaven will indeed intervene to expose the corruption in American politics and intervene to save the nation from domestic and foreign forces of darkness. He is one of the many pentecostal/charismatic/evangelical ministers saying a third Great Awakening is at hand.
It is also worth noting that Charlie Shamp issued the earliest prophecy about Kamala Harris that this blog has seen so far. In multiple videos published online over the past few years, he said that God had showed him in a vision in September 2017 that a star (Kamala Harris) would rise out of California, and would be anointed and used by some in the Democratic Party as ‘a queen to trump President Trump in 2020’.
Charlie Shamp saw that this effort – whose endgame seems to be a Harris Presidency – would fail in the end. And we have seen much of this happen so far: Kamala Harris lacked popular support within the Democrat Party, failing to secure a single delegate before dropping ng out of the race – only to be brought back into the mix as Biden’s VP ticket because she was a favorite of Big Tech execs, Wall Street and other big party donors.
After directing the musical team at that July 29 event to sing a song about hearing “the sound of the army of the Lord”, this is how Charlie Shamp began to prophesy:
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, ‘Did I not say that I would uncover corruption? Did I not say that I would cause confusion in the enemy’s camp? For watch and see what I will do. Watch and see what I have said will come to pass.’
The second part of the prophecy has some not so positive words for the Biden-Harris Admin. The mentions of crippling confusion and darkness of the soul seem appropriate for the ongoing Afghanistan crisis that the Biden-Harris Admin has caused and seems to callously mishandle. Part of the tragedy of the New World Order that this administration represents is this: confused people trying to confuse everybody else.
For I will even cause there to be a crippling and a confusion that comes upon this administration as they walk on in the darkness of their soul. In the folly of their own mind they have created their own plan.
But I say that I will arise in this hour, and I will dash to pieces every idol. every altar, that has been placed upon this nation. For this is My country. This is My place. My hand is upon this nation.
For even as My people have prayed, and sought Me in silence – even in fearful honor towards me in turmoil and chaos – I will cause the enemies of darkness to be exposed by the light.
For in the past, even as those that have been been whistleblowers – even those that have uncovered hidden darkness and my righteousness was released – in this hour I will release a trumpet sound – a sound that is so overwhelming that the evidence will be undeniable.”
It is of course cliché by now to associate prophecies about trumpets or ‘trumpet sound’ to POTUS45 (i.e Donald J. Trump). But that could indeed be a possible reference to Trump, who in the last hours of his first term, declassified a trove of documents that many of his followers hope and expect to be released at some point in the (near) future in his continued bid to “drain the swamp”.
Then you have – as other possible avenues of consequential exposure of corruption – ongoing attempts at conducting forensic audits of the 2020 Election in several battleground states, plus the recent demand by 40 Republican Senators for a report on the outcome of the John Durham probe. Trump is connected to those pathways of exposure in a big way.
There could always be other avenues for corruption to be brought into the light of public scrutiny and accountability.
But what is for sure from the above Charlie Shamp statements is that the prophecy goes beyond trumpets and Mr. Trump and makes very explicit God’s presumed love for the America that the nation’s founders are said to have covenanted to God at the outset. “For this is My country. This is My place. My hand is upon this nation” the prophecy said.
And again in the next thematic section about the eagle and the dragon, one can see more commitment from God to the wellbeing of America. The prophecy suggests that there is an unfolding geopolitical tussle between the American eagle and the Chinese (CCP) dragon (presumably to determine who will lead the emerging one-world order).
According to Charlie Shamp, in this battle, God will weigh in on the side of the eagle – to the point of digging His sword deep into the belly of the dragon (flying serpent) – and to the point of bringing restoration and healing to the eagle.
For there has been a dragon. That is sought to take out this eagle. But the Lord says that this eagle shall arise. And there shall be healing in its wings. For where there has been confusion, chaos and destruction, I will stretch out my hand and I will heal the fracture of this nation. This eagle will fly again.
“For the dragon said, “We will destroy – we will take out – we will bring this eagle to an end.” But I say in this hour I will release My light of truth, My word my sword will go deep into the belly of this serpent, and the things that have been hidden – the things that have been hidden – the things that have been hidden – will be uncovered in the belly of the beast.
Surely, the botched, tragic US troop exit from Afghanistan is part of the unfolding political and spiritual awakening to which the last section of the prophecy refers.
Surely – as President Biden’s and VP Harris’ job ratings take a huge hit over this humanitarian disaster they caused in Afghanistan – more and more people are beginning to see Babylonian Deep State / New World Order for what it truly is — confused people trying to confuse everyone else, and needlessly plunging many families and nations around the world into chaos, suffering and untimely death.
And I will unlock favor upon my church for the seeds that this nation has sown in the past, will spring into a great harvest in this hour. For I say to you, look not at four months and then the harvest. But Iift up your eyes now, for the harvest is all around. And the awakening has already started.
The YouTube video has just over 26K views and 1K likes to date – to give you a sense of how many persons have seen and embraced these prophecies.
(Of course, the 26K figure does not necessarily include those that heard the prophecy when they attended the live event in late July, or others that could be aware of this prophecy from the ministry’s other social media platforms.)
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