Independent journalist Tim Pool and others have mused that “The pandemic is over” — as a video clip of mask-less officials at a White House function gains traction on social media.

Breaking911 retweeted the video with the following comment: “No more masks or social distancing at The White House.”

Some of the comments on the tweet suggested vaccination may be cited as the excuse for lack of masks and social distancing at the WH function.

The valley of decision: To get vaccinated or not…

The funny thing about the continued fuss about wearing masks from some quarters – especially from persons who have supposedly been vaccinated – is captured beautifully by Sam Sorbo:

The issue is that these experimental Covid-19 vaccines do NOT give full immunity as one would normally expect effective vaccines to give.

Vaccines should – in theory – give immunity
“The fully vaccinated can still get infected and infect others…”

“Evolution of a Virus Narrative” — The Lies Are Over

Meanwhile, award-winning independent journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, tweeted this infographic summary of the evolution of the pro-NWO political-scientific-media establishment’s Covid-19 narrative that often came across more like propaganda than objective, non politicized science.

How long until MSM start agreeing that Covid-19 was a bio weapon?

In typical New World Order fashion, the “mainstream” (liberal media, government officials, and doctors and scientists) narrative initially said the Wuhan lab leak theory was “debunked”. This pro-“global reset” narrative flat out used the derogatory label, “conspiracy theorists”, to attack other more conservative media platforms, politicians, doctors and scientists that questioned the “mainstream” narrative.

And God forbid that you suggested that the Covid-19 pandemic emerged from dubious gain of function research in China. And God forbid that you suggested Dr. Fauci and the NIH used U.S taxpayer funds to sponsor said dubious gain of function research in Wuhan. Because in 2020, the evangel9ists of the mainstream Covid-19 narrative would have cancelled and destroyed you.

So many people lost their social media accounts and – worse – their jobs or careers for saying the very things about the Covid-19 origins that the mainstream media (MSM), politicians and scientists now seem to be gradually acknowledging as fact.

One has to wonder why they are walking back on what they erroneously attested as fact and truth in 2020. One has to wonder at the timing of it all. Perhaps, after having succeeded in ousting Trump from the White House (or so they think), and after making strides towards getting their NWO global reset agenda on track, they (mistakenly) feel safe enough to come clean in their Covid narrative…

At any rate, the truth always comes out in the end. It may be ridiculed at the outset, and even viciously attacked out of ignorance and error or (worse) outright malicious intent. But truth wins out against the lie in the end.

The question is: How long before the mainly liberal MSM starts conceding that this virus was a biological weapon?

JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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