A video has surfaced online of Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney saying (just after a visit to the White House) that US special forces were mixed in with an Antifa during the Capitol Hill riot on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. He said that they’re the ones who seized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop and that he himself has seen it.
The retired Air Force general also said that Pelosi is frantic about the missing laptop, which explains why they’re rushing to impeach President Trump this week. General McInerney said categorically that what has been happening in the country is “high treason”.
You really should watch this clip before YouTube pulls it down. Lt. Gen. McInerney didn’t mince his words at all:
You all know that the attack on the Capitol was done by Antifa. But, it was enabled by McConnell, by Schumer, by Pelosi, and the mayor. They knew that was coming. You’ve all been up there. There were hardly any security police there.
And they moved in and Antifa did their thing. And the media picked it up…
Every American must stand up for the country, McInerney said. The POTUS won’t give up. Americans cannot surrender the country.
Here are some of the bombshell statements Lt. Gen. McInerney made:
If you tell a lie big enough – and that’s what they’re doing – you see, Pelosi, you see Chuck, Schumer, and just told me that, Pelosi called the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, and they’re trying to get him out on the 25th Amendment or to impeach him.
WHY? Well, because on Wednesday. They took Pelosi’s laptop. She’s frantic. There were some people in there – there were special forces, mixed with Antifa – and they took her laptop and they have that data.
Because they have that data, I believe they also have a source that is talking like a song bird. And the president is gonna spring that person on us, so it will completely, completely change, because it is someone that has said, ‘I’m not going to do this. This is treason.’
Check out this video clip for greater context – as well as actual amateur video footage from the Capitol Hill riot of Antifa-like persons trying to flee the building. Perhaps those were the special forces that took the laptop. You can see Trump supporters (doing as they are seen doing in other amateur clips on social media) pointing out these Antifa-like infiltrators (dressed in black, with their faces covered by hoods and masks so that their identity is shielded) and yelling ‘Antifa!’ But these guys tell the MAGA supporters, ‘Chill. Chill. We’re not here to be Antifa.’
Check out the clip like right NOW, before purge-hungry YouTube takes it down:
I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next in this very high stakes Machiavellian game of thrones.
But perhaps this is how the “70 Days Shift” prophecy from Prophetess Raji and a few other prophets will be fulfilled: damning evidence from Nancy Pelosi’s laptop.
The early voting period started out with Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”. Perhaps the whole election fraud controversy is tidied up by Nancy Pelosi’s version of “laptop from hell”.
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