I have seen MINIMUM 60 (sixty) prophecies of Donald Trump over the years – which invariably state that Donald Trump was chosen by God for the presidency of the United States at this point in history.

The earliest such Trump prophecy I’m aware of dates back to the 1980s, when a priest in Italy said God would use an American businessman named Trump to save America and turn it back to Christ.

Other such prophecies include the Kim Clement prophecies from 2007, February 2014, and mid-2015. The 2007 prophecies said God would put Trump in the White House for two terms. The Kim Clement prophecy from 2014 said there would be attempts to impeach Obama’s successor but that these “Impeach! Impeach!” efforts would fail. And finally, the mid-2015 prophecy said that a voice from New York would prevail in the 2016 election, and that this election would shock the world. We all know how Trump’s victory in November 2016 stunned the world.


On the flip side, I have seen only a few prophecies of Joe Biden, and his running mate, Kamala Harris – and the few that are there are not favorable to them in the sense that they (and presumably the God behind the prophecies) do not endorse their presidential candidacy.

In fact, some of these prophecies are actually prophecies of Trump that happen to mention the opponents, and why the church and the nation (America) should be wary of their presidential bid.


Charlie Shamp said he first received this revelation in August of 2017, but released it on his blog and social media in late September of 2017. He has spoken about it in many public events since then.

Basically, he says that God showed him that a star would rise out of California, and would be anointed and used by some as ‘a queen to trump President Trump in 2020’. Charlie Shamp saw that this effort would fail in the end, but that God in redemptive fashion that is true to His character would give a devastated Kamala Harris the choice and opportunity (difficult though this non-New World Order path may be) to truly fulfill the destiny that He has for her.

The 2017 ‘Rising Star’ Prophecy By Charlie Shamp

Here are Charlier Shamp’s exact words as narrated in a YouTube upload from January 2019, shortly after Kamala Harris announced her presidential bid (emphasis in bold are mine):

I was praying and I suddenly found myself in the Spirit looking for what was to come. In my eyes I could see the state of California and a rising star. I was taken into a vision – really fell into a trance and started to see – and the Spirit of God took me to the state of California where I saw a rising star. I looked and heard the Lord say, ‘Behold the woman that will rise from the West.’

I looked to see a light skinned black woman standing before me with the authority poised to take political power. As I looked at this woman, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said it was Kamala Harris.

‘She will rise from California as a bright star in the coming days.’ And the Lord said to me, ‘She has been hand picked by some in power as a queen to trump President Trump in 2020.’ And so this was a strategy from the enemy and they were going to use this woman as someone they could use to do that.

‘This is their hidden vision,’ the Lord spoke to me and said that it has yet to unfold. Remember, this was September 26, 2017. ‘They will use her to grab the hearts of people and the nation in an attempt to create momentum and build political bridge from east to west. They will set her on a course to make major waves in the country for a time. Her eyes will be opened, and her heart will be changed when she sees that they have played her as a pawn in a political game, only to put forth a rook in an attempt to offset a king. In the end, this plan will fail.

‘She will be broken at the result of this reality. Through this I will show her My mercy and teach her about true justice.’ This is powerful words, you guys, that the Lord gave. ‘Her political future will hang in the balance. And I will present her with the choice to choose a different road – one that will build bridges across enemy lines, and forge friendships from common political rivals. She is My bridge builder. ‘ So the Lord says, ‘She is My bridge builder.’ This is her destiny.

‘I will use her to build new political allies that help those in need in the nation. Where she was once hated by some, she will be seen as a trusted ally and praised as she brings justice to the poor of the country. My destiny for her life is that she fulfill the promise that she made to her mother when she was young. If she chooses, I will lead her down a difficult path to seal the legacy of her father and mother. In the end, she will be remembered for the advancement of civil rights and economic justice among Americans.’”


In an interview with ElijahStreams in October 2020, Charlie Shamp said that several people had told him that they had personally shared this September 2017 ‘Rising Star’ prophecy with Kamala Harris. So it seems she is aware of this prophecy.

Could that be a reason she has not resigned from her US Senate seat yet? As one tweet put it: “It’s Tuesday, December 1st, 2020, and Kamala Harris has not resigned from the Senate yet.”

Some tweets from mid-November 2020 drew a comparison with Barrack Obama, saying that he resigned from the Senate by mid-November after winning the 2008 presidential race. The insinuation from such tweets is that Kamala Harris is not sure she has won – which is why she hasn’t resigned from the Senate position.

But others dismiss such insinuations, saying Harris is still in the Senate because her position in some of the sub-committees gives her access to intelligence briefings that she would not otherwise have. And with the Trump Admin initially delaying orientation protocols for the Biden-Harris transition teams, Harris is trying to get all she can get from the Senate sub-committees.


Here are just a few comments and anomalies fueling months’-old speculation that Joe Biden is just a décoy or ‘trojan horse’ the Democrats are using to ouster Trump, and that the real presidential candidate is Kamala Harris.

Exhibit A: The “Harris Administration” Freudian Slip In September 2020: In mid-September 2020, Kamala Harris accidentally mentioned “Harris Administration” – “with Joe Biden as President” she quickly recovered. Real smooth.

‘Harris Administration’ Loading… (Apparently)

Funnily enough, it wasn’t just Kamala Harris that made the “Harris Administration” blunder. That very same week in September, Joe Biden himself would make the same mistake (be it a Freudian slip or whatever you want to call it.) Check it out:

Who’s the boss? Both Biden and Harris Say ‘Harris’.

The liberal mainstream press in the US may have kept quiet about these slip ups, but they did not escape the attention of conservative Sky News Australia – which I have observed has been more open to giving Mr Trump a fair shake in their coverage than other major news platforms in Australia.

Kamala Harris Will Be ‘Running The Show’, Says Sky News Australia

Check out the video description.

Sky News host Rowan Dean says the Democrats have clearly already workshopped their plan for Joe Biden to let his running mate Kamala Harris run the show given he “doesn’t have the cognitive smarts” to handle the presidency.

In what Mr Dean said was either a Freudian slip or a revelation of the party’s plans, Democratic presidential nominee made reference to the potential “Harris-Biden administration”.

Within the Democrats they are already planning for poor old Uncle Joe to slip quietly to the side and let Kamala Harris run the show,” he said.

Joe Biden is clearly not up to it.

He doesn’t have the cognitive smarts to handle the pressure of being President, so he’ll be some kind of figure head with Kamala Harris running the show.”

Exhibit B: The Siri ‘POTUS Birthday’ Test Shortly After The Election: In early November 2020, several iPhone users found that when they asked Siri, Apple’s voice-controlled personal assistant, “How old is the President?” Siri was responding with information about Kamala Harris. [By the way, Kamala Harris was born 56 years ago, on October 20, 1964. Lol.] Many of these users – including award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson – shared videos and screenshots of this Siri “glitch” on social media. Check out this tweet from for instance:

Yep: Apple’s voice-controlled personal assistant, Siri – when asked what is the birthday of the POTUS –
just said the Kamala Harris was born in October 1964

Apple had to scramble to quickly fix the bug. Of course, they say it’s a ‘glitch’. But is it a glitch, or is it ‘predictive programming’, whereby the New World Order elite foreshadow or tell us their true plans and intentions? Only time will really tell. In the meanwhile, check out this Crux update:

Siri Thinks Kamala Harris Is The POTOS. Is this ‘glitch’ or ‘predictive programing’?

Exhibit C: Joe Biden’s ‘Joke’ On CNN In Early December 2020: What an odd joke to make – especially in the light of the ‘Trojan horse’ rumors. Joe Biden was asked about his disagreements with Kamala Harris on certain issues: “Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”

Biden joked about stepping down due to health issues…

So it seems like it is just jesting (jokes) or software glitches – but you can see some of the bizarre things that have fueled speculation that the true aim of the Democrat establishment is to have Harris as the POTUS, whenever they decide to pull out Joe Biden using cognitive decline or some health issue as the pretext.


‘None of us is as smart as all of us’ they say. Kindly let me know in the comments below or via email if you are aware of any credible prophecies about Kamala Harris.

Thanks for checking out this blog post. Please do share if you like it – and subscribe to the blog for more prophecy-in-the-news updates like this. Cheers.

JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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