First of all, there aren’t that many prophecies on Joe Biden published online – at least, not when compared to the many, many Trump prophecies published all over the Internet over the past five years.

This post features the earliest prophecy about Joe Biden that I’ve been able to find on YouTube. Perhaps when I expand my search outside of YouTube (to include blogs, etc), more Joe Biden prophecies might emerge.


Meanwhile, here’s the earliest prophecy on Joe Biden that I’ve come across. It was published by Prophet Elvis Mbonye of Uganda on YouTube on August 5, 2020 – and it features an audio clip from July 30th, 2013 when the prophet was speaking about then US Vice President Joe Biden’s hidden health challenges.

See why they call him “Mr. Future”: Prophet Elvis talking about
Joe Biden’s health challenges six to seven years in advance

Here’s the transcript of the July 2013 prophecy:

“There’s a guy that comes to me. I’m beginning to see him in a way that is not pleasing. Not physically – prophetically. And there’s the issues he has been going through, which are not public. No one in the public knows them because it’s about his health.

“Now, Christian or no Christian, we want to pray that it doesn’t get worse and worse in the name of Jesus. We preserve him, that he may know you Lord, in the name of Jesus.

When signs of it begin coming out publicly, you will know that there’s an end – there’s an end – of a certain era, a chapter, that is happening right there in that nation. And there’s a new season beginning to unfold. The US will never be the same. We pray in the name of Jesus that the church in that nation will rise up and now become the strength of it.


Prophet Elvis was under fire after the liberal mainstream press dubbed Joe Biden “President-Elect”

The last part of the prophecy (that I highlighted in bold) seems to suggest that Joe Biden would NOT ascend to the highest office in the land. And the bit about the church rising up to be the strength of the nation is perhaps what we see happening now, with parts of Christendom in America rallying prayerfully and otherwise behind President Trump’s efforts to “stop the steal”. The next 30 days or so will tell if the church indeed has risen to become the strength of the nation.

Some online posts (like the above Tweet link) suggest that Prophet Elvis has come under fire for wrongly prophesying that Joe Biden would never become President of the US (POTUS). Perhaps though, with Donald Trump’s continued contest of the election results, it is too hasty to conclude definitively that this aspect of the July 2013 prophecy has failed. We would have to wait until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021 – if/when the transition from “President-Elect” to “President” is complete – to make an accurate assessment of that aspect of the prophecy.

As for the aspects of the prophecy that are definitively correct: The video update has several news clips and headlines from various news sources (Washington Times, Fox News, The Young Turks, etc) that highlight the health challenges that plagued Joe Biden’s 2020 candidacy. One would really have to have been living under a rock or in an off-grid basement somewhere to not have noticed Joe Biden’s health issues over the past two years. But, Just in case there are any doubts, here are just a few news headlines shown in the Prophet Elvis prophecy update:

  • Biden’s rally attendees skittish: ‘I don’t want to have to worry about mental issues’Washington Times, March 3, 2020
  • Joe Biden’s Mental Health Questioned. Crazy? Or Senile?FITSNews.com, September 16, 2019
  • Giuliani: Biden showing ‘obvious signs of dementia’Washington Examiner, March 8, 2020
  • Joe Biden Is Suffering From ‘Some Sort Of Dementia,’ Progressive Commentator SaysInquisitr, March 6, 2020


I had not heard about Prophet Elvis Mbonye before coming across this Joe Biden health prophecy in October 2020 (ahead of the November 3 Presidential Election). While the prophecy seems legit, I was curious to see where the prophet is from and what his bio was like.

Prophet Elvis was born on March 27, 1977 in Uganda to a family of seven. According to his website, prophetelvis.com, he claims to have been born again (saved) in 1998 when he had a dramatic encounter with the Holy Spirit that endowed him with the gift of unusual dreams, visions and revelations that have earned him the nickname “Mr. Future”.

Prophet Elvis says he has been to heaven several times and also to hell. He says that his spirit actually leaves his physical body and is transported elsewhere at those times. And that is apparently why his members kiss his shoes (as per the viral photos from 2017) – so that they can get the blessings he got from walking in heaven.

Remember, the Joe Biden prophecy covered in this post is supposedly from July 2013. But as at 2017, The Standard (a Kenyan newspaper I believe) reported that Prophet Elvis Mbonye ran a 5,000-seater church in Uganda that was frequented by the “who is who” of Ugandan politicians and affluent citizens. Prophet Elvis was said to have a taste for the fine things in life, including top of the range cars and high-end clothes. He usually rolled around with an entourage of bodyguards, and apparently, some members of his congregation frequently bowed for him and literally kissed his feet. The prophet was said to have a net worth of 650 million Ugandan shillings, which is a bit under USD $200,000 today.

The prophet, author and televangelist has been criticized for being too flashy. Like many other prophets or men of God all over the world, he has been accused of being part of the Illuminati – that his powers are from the kingdom of darkness rather than God. Like I mentioned earlier, I don’t know much about Prophet Elvis, so I cannot make a determination on that. I do know, however, that the same charge was made even about Jesus Christ Himself in the gospels (like in Matthew 12:22-37) – that the miracles He performed were done by the power of Beelzebub (i.e. Satan). As in the case of Jesus, such charges against genuine ministers of the gospel are false, whereas, sadly, there are cases where it is true – that the “prophet” or “miracle worker” actually got their powers from the kingdom of darkness. Therein lies cause for wisdom and discernment, as the Scriptures would say.

As for the criticisms about him being too flashy, here are my favorite quotes from the post by The Standard:

The charismatic pastor is quoted as saying that he has been to heaven and to him heaven was a glamorous place so why would he live differently here on earth? Good question.

Hell is stuffy, poor, sickly, and degrading. I have been to heaven and it is a glamorous place with streets of gold. All attributes about God are glamour and beauty and I’m of God, so I will unapologetically be always on the side of what is rich. I have heard shallow debates where politicians defend themselves for being in air-conditioned cars. You want me to be in a car where I sweat? ” Said Mbonye.


Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Independent or a member of another party, if you are a believer in the Bible and in prayer, I would say, Pray for him. Pray that God’s will prevails in his life and for his family. This is in keeping with the Scripture 1 Timothy 2:1-4 that urges prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings to be made “for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (NIV). You never can tell how God will use those prayers…

Perhaps Joe Biden was and is a willing pawn of the pro-New World Order Deep State that was used to steal the election. Perhaps he is compromised by China and has sold (and will sell) America to China. Perhaps he is indeed the head of a “crime family” as Mayor Rudy Giuliani puts it. Pray for Biden all the more – that God’s purposes would prevail in his life and NOT the Deep State’s wicked agenda.

Whether he is held accountable by the judicial system for past misdeeds, or he is let off the hook and indeed goes on to preside over the US for a season, do pray that he is convicted of sin, righteousness and judgment – and that true repentance and salvation will prevail in his life.


Thanks for reading this post. Do share this post if you liked it and/or found it informative and useful. And also SUBSCRIBE to this blog if you haven’t yet for more prophecy-in-the-news updates like this.

Cheers, and God bless.

JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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