When prophecy critics say that the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing socioeconomic lock-down seemed to catch prophetic voices in Christendom off guard, this prophecy by HIS Church pastor, Brian Gibson, is one of the prophecies I can boldly show to the critic to debunk that skeptical assertion.
This bombshell prophecy suggests God’s sovereignty over the nations of the earth in allowing New York’s financial sector to be dramatically shaken. Below, we examine reports that the shaking actually began in September 2019 – and was downplayed by the Federal Reserve and the mainstream media – but became manifest for all to see in early March 2020 after New World Order factions played their coronavirus/lock down plan-demic card to justify yet another round of bailouts for their bankrupt financial system. (The latter assertions will be developed in subsequent posts…)
Here’s the Brian Gibson prophecy:
For me personally, this is one of the top three prophecies on COVID-19 that was published BEFORE the Wuhan outbreak in late 2019.
Three things make this prophecy stand out from others that were published before the Wuhan outbreak:
Here’s the transcript of the strong words that HIS Church, Amarillo (Texas) senior pastor, Brian Gibson, said back on February 3, 2019, while he was delivering a message on late-term abortions that had been legalized by the state of New York in January 2019. The highlights in bold are mine.
As I was driving the other day, the word of the Lord came to me. I’ve showed you what is in the Bible; I want to show you what the Spirit of prophecy said to me. I wrote it down. I want to read it in front of all these witnesses.
The Spirit of God said this to me. He said, “Because you – He’s talking about America – because you have allowed this evil thing to come into your land, and because you’ve celebrated that which I ABHOR, I, the Lord, am rising and moving My force against you.
“You’ve reached up with your hand and touched the very apple of My eye. The apple of My eye is the unborn and the innocent.
“I weep and I cry and I lament over the city of the apple [i.e. New York City]. Because you’ve touched the apple of My eye, now I will come and touch the apple of your eye [i.e. New York City].
“I will allow a rot to come,” says the Lord, “and it will begin to grow in the center of the financial district in Wall Street. I will cause My hand to come against it. And there will be a crash that will come in such a strong way that it will make the crash of 2008 and 2009 look like child’s play,” says the Lord of Hosts.
“But I give now a space of time to repent – for those who have authority in the Land, and those who have a voice, and those who control the gates in your nation, to begin to move and create a counter-attack against this wickedness. If they will rise and act and rend their garments, and if the nation turns, I will draw back what I’m allowing to come to you by your own creation.
“But the time is short. I am waiting and wanting to My work. I’ve held back as long as I can, and now this wicked action is causing Me to act.
“MOVE NOW!” says the Lord. “The time is short,” says the Lord. “PROCLAIM AND PROPHESY TO YOUR NATION,” says the Lord.
“May My word move My people to action.”
This anti-late term abortion message may not sit well with some that are “pro-choice”. At all.
But it seems to have proved accurate. And I’m not just talking about the record-setting crashes in early March 2020 – which of course the video points to as obvious evidence of the fulfillment of the prophecy.
The fact is even by September of 2019, something snapped in New York’s financial sector. The mainstream media (MSM) – true to form – seemed to ignore or downplay the ensuing loss of confidence in the Repurchase (“Repo”) Market, and the Federal Reserve had to step in to the tune of billions of dollars every month to keep things moving. The Fed dismissed claims that its intervention amounted to another round of quantitative easing (QE4) – because to admit that they were engaging in quantitative easing would suggest that all was not well with their precious financial system.
Here’s what SchiffGold.com and Euro Pacific Capital, Inc Founder/CEO Peter Schiff, tweeted on the subject in mid-September 2019:
The financial media and Wall Street are downplaying the significance of the NY Fed’s emergency injection of 53B into the banking system to prevent interest rates from rising. The Fed can’t suppress rates forever, and the longer it does, the greater the crisis when it gives up! … Market forces were pushing interest rates up to attract funds. The Fed intervened by creating money out of thin air to artificially suppress them.
Greg Hunter, who worked with ABC News for several years and CNN for some years, before starting USAWatchdog.com, reminded his audience that New York’s economic/financial woes started long before Corona hit the scene, and would likely linger even after the economy was reopened:
We already had a problem before this COVID-19/China Virus – whatever you want to call it – we already had a problem with the Federal Reserve, and then pumping out $60B a month in QE in September 2019, and then taking over the Repo Market because the banks didn’t trust the collateral, so the Fed had to take it over. And then some nights, they were pumping out well over $100B for “longer term” Repo because some people can’t pay back overnight. And it’s going on today.
This was going on BEFORE the Coronavirus even happened.
And then you have mainstream financial television saying, “Oh, the economy was strong. And it was all just virus related.” That’s what I’m hearing all day today.
Listen: You’re in financial reporting and financial television and – that’s a LIE! You don’t know something broke and the Fed started pumping $60B a month since September 2019 and the Fed had to take over the Repo Market because something broke – something was wrong? They lost control?
And you’re saying, “Oh, the economy was strong?” No it wasn’t!
This is either stupid reporters or reporting too stupid to be stupid.
We had a problem. That’s clear! That’s on the Federal Reserve website. That’s not what I think.
[See the 07:26 – 08:50 mark of Greg Hunter’s “Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.27.2020”.]
The same Greg Hunter in his April 16, 2020, Weekly News Wrap-Up said that the Fed injected $500 BILLION in the last three months of 2019 to save the Repo Market. That’s how crazy things had become even before Coronavirus struck America in early 2020.
And by early March 2020, the financial bubbles burst in record-setting fashion. The “New World Order” powers that be had seized upon the coronavirus pandemic (which, arguably, they themselves created) as an excuse for the ongoing financial market crash – and, most crucially, as an alibi to squeeze out yet another record-setting corporate bailout from Congress and the Presidency (which the taxpayer will have to pay for, naturally).
There are two other COVID-19 prophecy videos I’ve seen that confirm the prophetic message shared by the HIS Church pastor. Many Americans and others from around the world are pointing the finger at China for causing this pandemic, and that is partially true in the natural. (One also has to factor in the funding of the Chinese lab that came from Deep State actors in America in 2014-2015.)
But from the spiritual perspective, God seems to be saying that the late-term abortion thing caused Him to remove His hedge of protection from America, allowing the creators of the virus to carry out their pre-determined bio-terrorism against America and the world.
There are other prophecies that corroborate this Brian Gibson prophecy of New York. Watch out for the subsequent parts of this “Heaven’s War With The Dragon’s New World Order” series. These parts will features prophecies by Jeremiah Johnson, Tracy Cooke, and Evangelist Perry Stone, amongst others, on the subject.
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