Mark Taylor has been saying this for months: That even before Donald Trump was elected in November 2016, God was speaking to him about military tribunals –  that these military tribunals would be set up in America to expose the misdeeds of the New World Order and clear up the corruption in US politics and across the world.

In his recent interview by Greg Hunter of, Mark Taylor agreed with the host that the “Confirmation Circus” around the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination is a desperate attempt by members of the Deep State to thwart Trump’s bid to set up military tribunals that will execute the mass arrests of over 50,000 persons covered by sealed indictments.

Mark Taylor continued to be adamant that Obama is going to be stripped of the US Presidency and thrown in jail for treason. He did warn that while there has been concerted prayer against unrest, there will be artificial (bought-and-paid-for by George Soros) civil unrest and some social upheaval across the country as these mass arrests unfold. Here’s how Mark Taylor put it:

The civil unrest is going to take place initially. I don’t believe it will be from the people, but from the paid agitators from the DNC and George Soros. Eventually, it may lead into something larger once they start the mass arrests, but there are protection mechanisms in place… The Deep State is kicking and screaming.

Check out the Mark Taylor interview (September 22, 2018) here:

The interview closed on a positive note, as Greg Hunter emphasizes on one of the reasons he likes Mark Taylor: “You are a big one on [against] talking about being negative… Tell us what you know about being positive. Let’s end this thing on a positive note… You’re a good guy for talking [positive]. You’re one of the few that says, Listen, you’ve gotta be positive: this is a good thing that is happening.”

Well, so here are the positive closing remarks from Mark Taylor on the subject of upcoming mass arrests and military tribunals – about what our frame of mind should be, and what we should be praying:

As a Christian, we don’t need to be walking in fear, we need to be walking in faith. Those that have gone before us are praying for what is happening now, and they don’t get to see it. We are the ones that get to see this and that this actually will come to pass. God is going to remove the corruption, and he is going to set the spiritually oppressed people of the earth free. We get to witness this. We get to be a part of this.
So, when the arrests start to go down, he [Trump] may declare martial law. He may declare martial law and that’s going to scare a lot of people…
Don’t allow this stuff to give you a fear based mindset. We need to be walking in faith. God has spoken – look at the prophetic words… There’s going to probably be a rough few months…

So stock up on some food like you would do for a hurricane or a natural disaster. Just be prepared. When we come out of this, the corruption will be removed. And we’ll be a much better place for it. This HAS to happen folks. So don’t walk in fear; walk in faith. Know that God is in control. This is all part of God’s plan.

Recall that the Orlando, Florida-based ex-fire fighter Mark Taylor prophesied back in April of 2011 that Donald Trump would succeed Barrack Obama as President of the US (POTUS). Here’s the best-selling book that tells the whole story and contains much of his prophecies of the shocking events that will hit American and the world in the years to come:


Since Trump’s Inauguration in January 2017, some in the alternative media have supported Trump fully, believing that Trump will indeed follow through on his campaign rhetoric and pull the plug on the Deep State – and actually “drain the swamp”. Others on the other hand strongly believe Trump is just another New World Order (NWO) actor who will give the globalists what they want in the end.

I should stress that much of the alternative media, unlike the mainstream corporate media, is unanimous in the conviction and explicit reports that the NWO and Deep State conspiracy and push for a one-world government are very, very real.

So here are some videos that highlight this sharp disagreement.


“Q: The Plan to Save the World”

This SGTReport video best summarizes both a) what the conservative alternative media at large holds to be the plan by the NWO / Deep State to enslave and destroy the world; and b) what some (not all) in the alternative media right say is the plan to save the world. And in this plan to save the world, Donald Trump is one of the principal heroes, defying the odds to snatch the presidency from the Cabal’s choice candidate (i.e. HRC) and thereby giving the U.S military and “we the people” a rare opportunity to foreclose on this century-old Deep State tyranny.

It is a grand story indeed – a bit like the story of Esther in the Bible. In that story, a powerful elite (Hamman) set in motion a plan to kill off every Jewish person throughout the Medio-Persian Empire that traversed bits of Asia, eastern Europe and northern Africa. But God turned things around, and at the end of the day, Hamman and his family were destroyed by the very gallows they had built to kill Mordecai, and the Jewish people destroyed their enemies on the very date (“purim”) they would have been annihilated and plundered.

Well, similarly, the very instruments that the globalists had set up for the final kill and planet grab – these very instruments (NSA spaying apparatus, for instance) have fallen into the hands of the “Esthers” and “Mordecais” of our time (i.e the “good guys”), who are poised to use it to expose and incarcerate the NWO conspirators.

Well, that’s the hope anyway. Check out the video:

“Benjamin Fulford: September 24, 2018 – Khazarian Mafia Seeks Chinese Protection As Military Tribunals Loom”

Investigative journalist Benjamin Fulford can be classified as one of those who reports that “the good guys are winning” – that Trump is indeed on course to drain the swamp via military tribunals. By “Khazarian Mafia”, he means the NWO elite that has dominated and enslaved much of the West and the world for a few centuries now. The most powerful of these, like the Rothschild family, are understood to be Khazarian Jews (people from the medieval kingdom of Khazar that converted to Judaism), as opposed to Abrahamic Jews that are genetic descendants of Abraham.

In the September 24, 2018 update, Ben Fulford reminded his listeners that “Kavanaugh said during his confirmation hearings that the U.S. has been under martial law since shortly after 9/11 and as a result, military tribunals could try, and even sentence to death, civilians guilty of treason.”

And like others in the alternative media space, Ben Fulford stated that the Deep State agents and elites are very afraid of this prospect of military tribunals: “The satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia is in a frenzy of fear as military tribunals loom. As a result, they are offering the world – as if it were theirs to give – to China in exchange for protection…”

Here’s the full 11-minute update:

“Trump Planing Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals? Has The Deep State Met It’s Match?”

Lisa Haven of late has shown support for Trump. She praised him for his nationalist, anti-globalist speech at the 73rd UN General Assembly (the #UNGA73 in late September 2018) – where “nationalism” merely means patriotism and love of country, not something extreme like Hitler’s nationalism. In this video below, she reported that it looks indeed like military tribunals will be set up to handle the cases from the soon coming mass arrests.

While Lisa Haven (like most in the alternative media space) does want justice served on these VIP Deep State traitors, the little twist is her caution when it comes to declaration of “temporary” martial law or having Trump gain control of the media. The problem for her is whether or not Trump will be able to relinquish all these vast martial law powers once (presumably) justice has been served in respect of the over 50,000 sealed indictments.

The important thing is to pray, she said, and follow up with your senators. Something big has to happen, she added.


“How Trump Filled the Swamp” – By Corbett Report

Yet again, James Corbett of “Corbett Report” does a masterful job in presenting well-researched information that cuts through the political spin and propaganda. While Trump may well wish to “drain the swamp” of his opponents, he has been doing a good job of filling his administration with people from Goldman Sachs (and other vested Wall Street interests) and the military-industrial-complex.

“Trump is Pushing US Into Scripted and Pre-Planned World War III”

This video was published in May 2017. In it, “Dollar Vigilante” argued simply that POTUS Donald Trump had (in just a few months in office) u-turned on many anti-war promises that inspired millions of war-weary Americans to vote for him. At the end of the day, Dollar Vigilante argued, Trump was just doing the same things that Hillary Clinton would have done.

So in the span of days, anti-war Donald Trump has attacked Syria, and is on the verge of war with Russia, North Korea, and by proxy, China. Oh, and he’s now considering sanctions on Russia and Iran too.

Dollar Vigilante’s conclusions: The game is rigged. The globalists’ wars are pre-planned. Electoral choice is merely an illusion. Trump was and is just like the rest of all the other NWO / Deep State puppets that have been imposed on nations across the world. America doesn’t have a government; rather, it has on evil Cabal enslaving it, and Trump is working for that Cabal.

“Donald trump is owned. Ken O’Keefe on U.S Attack on Syria. North Korea Conflict”

This is a clip from an episode of RT’s Cross Talk that dealt with the US strike against Syria in April 2017. Fiery ex-US Marine Ken O’Keefe was one of the guests on the show. You can always trust him to NOT mince words – to tell it like it is (or at least, like he strongly believes it to be). And in this clip, Ken O’Keefe said in the strongest terms that Donald Trump is “owned” like the rest of them – and that much to the dismay of some members of the military and of the millions that voted for him instead of HRC, Trump is continuing the decades-old US (NWO) policy of destroying the Middle East.


Well, like I said above, the debate will soon be settled! It is very, very possible that BOTH sides of this alternative/independent media are correct. That Trump will be the vessel through whom justice is served to the Deep State Cabal – but then will himself be a new NWO problem.

I will have to explain that further another day, but in the meanwhile, Dollar Vigilante does a good job of summarizing Trump’s duplicity over the years in this ten-minute video. [And note, I do not support “anarchy” or “anarchists” as Dollar Vigilante seems to do in the end of the video. But I do think he is right to say Trump, like the stereotypical professional politician, seems to try to be all things to all people. So some will think he’s a nationalist, while others think he’s a globalist. Both ‘isms’ are at play. Great]

“Trump Admits To Being A Globalist And Continues To Act Like One Too”

Just stay tuned for further updates on this “Is the ‘Drain the swamp’ real or not?” debate!


Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.

~  Jesus Christ, in Luke 21:36 (NIV)

JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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