Another crime by the “Khazarian Mafia”? Poisoning of Sergei Skripal reportedly leads directly to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). (See link to the article below in the Sergei Skripal bullet point.)

It was Mark Twain in 1897 that said “THE TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION”. Some of the information that comes across in Benjamin Fulford‘s weekly geopolitical updates certainly sound like fiction, but some of the Intel is truth strangely enough. I have seen some of it come true, and some of it NOT turn out as stated, while others remain to be seen. Yet for all that, a growing number in the anti-New World Order (anti-NWO) camp seem more inclined to believe the general thrust of his updates to be more credible than the “news” obtainable from the globalist-run Western corporate media. This is because he does identify many of the true power brokers at work behind the geopolitical news headlines we see on the mainstream media – power brokers that the corporate media tend to not mention or cover.

One key question remains for some in the alternative media circles however: Whether or not Benjamin Fulford is himself an agent of the NWO? Sure enough he seems to be working against the “unipolar”, US-led brand of the New World Order (NWO). He has continuously announced over the years the downfall of the “Khazarian mafia” / “Rockefeller-Bush-Clinton cabal” that has dominated the U.S, Israel, Europe via NATO, and Japan since the end of WWII. But some rightly question whether the global utopia that Benjamin Fulford is himself promoting (as an alternative to the “death and debt” paradigm of the US-led model of the NWO) is also playing into the hands of the European globalist elite and the one world government agenda.

“THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO FIND OUT HOW HORRIFIC THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA’S CRIMES WERE”: The general thrust from Benjamin Fulford’s latest update (dated March 19, 2018) seems to be corroborated from many other alternative media sources.  I refer to the assertions that Deep State elites are being taken down by the US, Russian and Chinese military forces and denied political asylum/refuge around the world – and that the crimes of said Deep State or globalist elites in America will soon be exposed for the world to see – Nuremberg style.

But could this be what the globalist elites like the Rothschilds in Britain and Europe (and perhaps those at the Vatican also) desired and planned all along? Was this the endgame all along: For the “unipolar”, US-led brand of the NWO to go down in favor of the “multipolar” version of the NWO that comprises the EU, Russia, Britain, as per Revelation 13? This is not without precedent. For instance, many of these globalists funded Hitler at the outset, only to pull the plug on him and the Third Reich, paving the way for the true objective to arise – namely the Fourth Reich that is the EU.

1 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard [GERMANY, or more specifically, the German-led European Union (EU), which is “the Fourth Reich”], but had feet like those of a bear [RUSSIA] and a mouth like that of a lion [GREAT BRITAIN]. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound [the division of Berlin by the West and Russia following the downfall of Adolf Hitler], but the fatal wound had been healed [the Fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989]. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.

~   Revelation 13:1-3 (New International Version. Emphasis in bold and comments in [brackets] are mine.)

At any rate (lest I digress into a more detailed exposition of the animal symbolism used in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13), here’s the latest update from “Benya” so you can listen for yourself how the supposed take-down of the “Deep State” (i.e New World Order factions in America) elites is going down:

To quote the overview of this Benjamin Fulford update:

The purge at the very tip top of the U.S. secret power structure is nearly complete, meaning a much larger purge is now about to take place, according to Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.  The top leadership of the White House, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and other U.S. agencies is now composed almost entirely of white hats. 

This means that a systematic purge of the lower ranks is now possible.  The result will be that in coming months people are going to find out just how horrific the crimes carried out by the Khazarian mafia really were.

Benjamin Fulford goes on to list some of the awful things these globalists have been charged with over the decades – at least in the conspiracy research and alternative press circles anyway. Of course these things sound like a list of things that the mainstream media and NWO establishment politicians have always denied and denounced as mere “conspiracy theories”. This common employment of a derogatory “conspiracy theory” label was kick-started by the CIA in the wake of the JFK assassination, and I would classify this calculated, pre-meditated use of the term as part of their “refuge of lies and deception” (Isaiah 28:15,17).

Let’s remember, these so-called leaders of the West were actively trying to kill off 90% of the world’s population.  They have been caught manufacturing and spreading diseases like SARS, bird flu, ebola, etc.  They have been caught trying to cause mass starvation by spreading crop diseases and paying farmers to grow fuel instead of food.  They have been trying very hard to start World War 3.  They were behind mass murder incidents like 9/11 and Fukushima.  This is all proven fact.  What’s going to happen now is that the bulk of the world’s population will learn of this.

One of the conclusions Benya makes at the on this subject is this:

The signs are now everywhere that the Khazarian Cabalists will now finally have to face justice. This writer has long pushed for South African style Truth and Reconciliation. But it looks like that will not be forth coming for many at the top of this secret power structure. Their crimes were just too horrific.

The most alarming, SHOCKING crimes mentioned in the update are the kidnap, exploitation, rape and even murder of many children in America – in some cases, by these “Deep State”, establishment politicians and elites. Benjamin Fulford cites National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) statistic that 800,000 children disappear in the U.S each year, as compared to “just” 20,000 in the much more populous People’s Republic of China. “This means that U.S children are more than 160 times more likely to disappear than Chinese children. While a lot of the children are found, many vanish forever,” he wrote.

A quick research into this matter suggests that “more than 99 percent of children reported missing in America in recent years have come home alive” as Ernie Allen, then president of the NCMEC told Reuters in 2012. According to that article, technological advances and greater general awareness of remedial actions “boosted the recovery rate for missing children involved in the most dangerous cases in America to 97 percent in 2011 from 62 percent in 1990“. While that improvement is very commendable, in this scenario even 1% represents unresolved cases per year represents around 8,000 missing children per year. And as Benjamin Fulford notes, this issue of crimes against children is one of the beef that members of the military and intelligence agencies have with the “Khazarian mafia”.

Some other disclosures from this update that you certainly would NOT hear in the mainstream media:

  • SERGEI SKRIPAL POISONING: Contrary to mainstream media reports and false assertions by the UK Prime Minister Theresa May and a few of her European counterparts, Sergei Skripal was actually poisoned by the “Khazarian Mafia” (the Rockefeller-Bush-Clinton Cabal) in an effort to stop him from releasing scandalous information about the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Check out one of his source articles on this. [Check the 5:06 mark of the video.]
  • POTUS 44 SEEKING ASYLUM BUT NOT GETTING IT: Reportedly, the UK and Japan have denied political asylum to former U.S President Barack Obama. Kenya was also warned by the U.S to not give such refuge to Obama. It seems he too will have to answer for his crimes in the U.S, as those who were protecting him are being arrested, imprisoned or even eliminated, according to Benjamin Fulford. [Check the 3:31 mark of the video.]
  • JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER TO STEP DOWN: Benjamin Fulford says the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe will step down in two weeks. [Check the 3:52 mark.] Let’s wait and see if things happens that way.


14) Therefore, listen to this message from the LORD,
you scoffing rulers in Jerusalem.

15) You boast, “We have struck a bargain to cheat death
and have made a deal to dodge the grave.
The coming destruction can never touch us,
for we have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception.

16) Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says:
“Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem,
a firm and tested stone.
It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on.
Whoever believes need never be shaken.

17) I will test you with the measuring line of justice
and the plumb line of righteousness.
Since your refuge is made of lies,
a hailstorm will knock it down.
Since it is made of deception,
a flood will sweep it away.

  ~ Isaiah 28:14-17 (New Living Translation, with emphasis in bold mine)

We truly must be cautious in these end times. As I always point out, when Jesus Christ was asked about the signs of the end of the age, and of His Second Coming, the very first thing that Jesus replied was “Watch out that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:3).

And as exiled whistle-blower Edward Snowden best put it:

Faith in elected leaders to fix our problems is THE mistake that we keep repeating.

[Audience applauses.] 

When President Obama was elected to the White House, he said all the right things. He said he was going to make a more equal America. We were going to move into a period of cooperation rather than partisanship. He said he was going to close Guantanamo on Day 1 of his administration. It’s still going to be open on the last day of his presidency. He said, “There’s going to be no more warrant-less wire-taping in American. We don’t do that. We don’t need that. That’s not who we are.” And in fact, he expanded it. He made it worse. It went deeper. It got better. It became more pervasive. And it continues.
If we are waiting for a champion – if we are waiting for hero – we are going to be waiting FOREVER. Because it is not a politician that we’re looking for. It’s the people that are in this room. It’s you. It’s the person sitting next to you. All of us have a responsibility. We can’t fix it by ourselves as individuals – but we DON’T need to. What we have to do is make one change – a small change – a POSITIVE change – that can be replicated – that can be shared.
We need to create our ideas. We need to think about these problems. We need to identify not that Trump is a bad person but WHY he is so threatening. And we need to start creating defenses for it.
Moreover, we need to realize that defense is not enough. We need to create an OFFENSE for free and open society. We need to recognize that one of the central problems right now is one of debate…

~  Edward Snowden, in a 2017 Munich video conference. (Emphasis in bold is mine.)

The problem in pinning all hopes in elected leaders is that we do little to NOTHING while we are expecting our leaders to act. And as we saw in the case of Obama, as per the Edward Snowden quote above, there were ways in which he dashed the hopes that people placed on him. And this, unfortunately, is a common human experience with a majority of politicians, such that the term “politician” in many places around the world has come to connote someone that will break the promises that they make. Fewer – much fewer – and far between are the statesmen and stateswomen that will actually do what they promise or go above and beyond that promise.

So, fast forward to Benjamin’s Fulford recent update: While it seems a relief that the “good guys” are winning and that the “bad guys” are being arrested or otherwise “taken out” – as Benjamin Fulford has been singing for years now, what asks is worth careful consideration:

Question arises: If “banking mafia” is really concerned with survival and is in the process of “negotiating their surrender”, as Benya keeps singing non-stop, then how come they are nailing the last nails into this NWO coffin for the mankind?

Sure there are little and significant ways in which the globalists agenda seem to have suffered setbacks, both within the U.S (such as with the 2016 election upset by Donald Trump) and outside the U.S (such as the Brexit vote in 2016 is seen as a setback for the EU project). But, in the larger picture, the globalists have so succeeded in advancing their agenda over the last 100 years especially, that at this point, the emergence of a strong global/one world government seems inevitable. And what is driving and will drive it more than anything, is the transhumanism and emerging artificial intelligence (A.I) wings of the technology sector. The key question remains: Whatever the Obamas and Trumps do or do not do, and whether or not criminal elected and unelected officials and elites are held to account in military tribunals in the coming months, what can the average Joe do to ensure a free, fair and even prosperous society?

WELL, WE KEEP ON WATCHING AND PRAYER.  Watching by proactively holding office holders and unelected technocrats and elites to account and proactively seeking out the truth on issues that matter to us – rather than trusting the government or media will tell us the truth. “Watching” by sharing the truth when we do find it, and engaging in robust debates that will foster corresponding, constructive civic action where necessary. Praying all the while that the truth be established in all corporate, government and media sectors all around the world, and that their “refuge of LIES and DECEPTION” (Isaiah 28:15,17) would be destroyed in order for truth and true freedom to prevail.

Thanks for reading. Be sure to drop your questions or comments below.

JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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