He ranked as one of Gallup’s most admired persons in the world more times (61) than any other figure in the world. And thus unsurprisingly, the passing away of Rev Billy Graham, nicknamed “America’s Pastor”, on February 21, 2018, has triggered a ton of eulogies and praises from Christendom and the world more generally.

No man, they say, preached to more people in person than Billy Graham. The official statistics according to Wikipedia (and elsewhere) is live audiences of 215 million persons across 185 countries and regions – not to mention the billions more that he reached through six decades of televangelism via all technological media available to him, namely radio, TV, video, film, webcasts, etc.

So Billy Graham, in down-to-earth, relatively scandal-free fashion, preached to more lives in person than any other Christian in history. But SHOCKINGLY, there are also those in Christendom who, in the spirit of the Protestantism that was birthed with Martin Luther’s Reformation, accuse Billy Graham as having done more harm to Christianity and the gospel of Jesus Christ than any other man in history.

If Billy Graham was really a 33rd Degree Freemason as some suggest, and a “forerunner to the Antichrist”, then he indeed succeeded in deceiving much of Christendom and did a masterful job of building the emerging one world religion that will (as the Book of Revelation suggests) be subservient to the Antichrist and his false prophet.

11) Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
12) As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.
~   Acts 17:11-12 (NIV)

Now when asked about the signs of the last days, Jesus Himself in Matthew 24:4 onward warned his disciples to be careful that no one deceives or misleads them, adding that many false prophets would arise to deceive many. And the Bible in Acts 17:11 did praise the Berean believers for cross-checking the preaching they heard from Apostle Paul with the Scriptures, to see if what he preached was true. It is thus not out of order for the messages and ministry of Billy Graham to be subjected to this Berean-type scrutiny…

BILLY GRAHAM ACCOLADES VS CONTROVERSY, VS END TIMES PROPHECY: In this post, I juxtapose A) some biographical, eulogistic videos of Billy Graham with B) videos of some of the controversies and “Antichrist” accusations around his ministry, with C) videos of prophecies from 1961 and 1973 about the two end times super churches – all to help anyone prayerfully decide what to make of Billy Graham’s life and ministry. Ultimately, God his Maker is his judge. But with the Bible’s several warnings of “rebellion”, “apostasy” and/or “falling away” (depending on your translation of 2 Thessalonians 2:3) that would occur before the manifestation of the Antichrist, and the warning of a “great delusion” to accompany the rise of “the lawless one” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12), it would be more than prudent to consider carefully the achievements and controversies of Billy Graham.

May God Almighty deliver us all from evil and from deception as we delve deeper into the last of the last days!


“Billy Graham: Remembering America’s pastor”

This Fox News clip was published on the same day Billy Graham died, and it has just under 60,000 views. Christendom heavy weights Pastor Rick Warren (Saddleback Church, CA), Pat Robertson (Christian Broadcasting Network, VA), and Tullian Tchiavijian, one of Billy Graham’s grandsons talk about Billy Graham’s mentorship, friendship, humility, sense of humor, and inclusiveness / non-partisanship.

Indeed a great tribute to a legendary figure with many admirable qualities that endeared him to millions (if not billions) of people around the world.

However, the fact that Pat Robertson and Rick Warren can boast of such a close relationship with Billy Graham lends credence or support to the controversies surrounding him. Why? Because Pat Robertson is said to be a Freemason and Rick Warren is currently one of the leading figures behind the push for the emerging “Chrislam” (i.e. Christianity plus Islam) and Antichrist one world religion.

“Kathie Lee Gifford Reacts To Death Of Prominent Pastor Billy Graham | Megyn Kelly TODAY”

This is one of the most passionate eulogies of Billy Graham I’ve seen. In this video, Kathie Lee Gifford in her typical “joy of faith” fashion, celebrates to the death of her personal friend, Billy Graham on Megyn Kelly TODAY. “My whole family came to Jesus through the Billy Graham organization,” she says.


Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition
  ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV)

The sequence in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 seems clear: First, a “falling away” or “apostasy”. Then the revelation of the lawless one – namely the Antichrist. Then the return of the bonafide Messiah – Jesus Christ.

So many people in and out of Christendom seemed to love Billy Graham so much that it would seem blasphemous to suggest that his six-decade-long career in evangelism that saw many millions make the decision to follow Jesus Christ would amount to apostasy and a precursor to the rise of the Antichrist. But that’s precisely what the videos in this section declare.

Before we get to the videos, I will state that as a disclaimer, you really need to see the third section about the two end times super churches. While I think some of the critics of Billy Graham have valid points and concerns, I think they err a bit in painting the whole Catholic Church with one brush stroke of apostasy or Babylonian whoredom.

9) “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits… 18) The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.
  ~ Revelation 17:9,18 (NIV)

Certainly, Rome was in the early Church the prime suspect in terms of the Revelation 17 whore of Babylon (with Jerusalem being a close second), as it fit the stated profile of a city situated on seven hills – for which Rome is well known, and also Jerusalem less so – and a city with leverage over the kings of the earth – which Rome certainly had then as the capital of the mighty Roman Empire. The formation of the U.S.A from 1492 to 1776, and its subsequent rise to superpower status presented another candidate for this clue, with some calling it Babylon. But America is a country, not a “city”. And for many conservative Christians today, especially those more abreast of the unfolding New World Order agenda, Rome – specifically the Vatican sovereign city-state situated within Rome – remains the prime suspect of being the Mystery Babylon described in Revelation 17-19. And this belief underlies the fundamentalists’ criticism of Billy Graham’s coziness with and support for the Vatican over the decades.

But certainly, there is diversity within the Catholic Church, and, more crucially, there are true believers of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic Church – some of whom even share the fundamentalists’ suspicion of the Vatican Antichrist agenda. And I’m aware of prophecies that suggest that another outpouring of God’s Spirit on the Catholic Church lies ahead. And meanwhile, the 1973 David Wilkerson prophecy far below (link provided in the third section of this post) suggests that the leadership of the Catholic Church will at some point turn on the Charismatic movement, determining to put out the fire of Pentecostal renewal in the church.

It is a bit like the prophet Elijah’s lament to God that he was the only true worshiper of God remaining in the paganized Israel headed by Ahab and Jezebel. But God told him in 1 Kings 19:18 that He has preserved 7,000 for Himself in Israel who have not bowed their knees to Baal or kissed him with their mouth. So to emphasize my main point, while the videos below treat the Catholic Church as the Babylonian whore of Revelation 17 and 18, I know that God has His “7,000” in the Catholic Church that have not bowed down to and will not bow down to the Antichrist doctrines or agenda of a Vatican that is reportedly influenced by the P-2 Freemason Lodge (descendants of the Roman Caesars).


The number one criticism of Billy Graham – mainly coming from the Christian right, and those in the New World Order conspiracy research circles – is his liberal ecumenicism (or “inclusiveness”) that made him seem like more of a crusader for the Catholic Church and the emerging Antichrist one world religion, than a crusader for Christ Jesus Himself.
Dr Cathy Burns would write:

“Not only does Graham not attack the faleseness in the Catholic Church, but he even protects the wrong. The original Halley’s up until the 22nd edition (1959), warned about the Jesuits. There are chapters about the Roman Papacy, and the Jesuits. According to Mrs Halley, Mr Halley spent years working on those chapters and never would have permitted the book to be changed. However when he died, Billy Graham bought the rights, and removed all the research and warning about the Jesuits in the editions Billy Graham printed.”
  ~  From Billy Graham And His Friends: A Hidden Agenda? By Dr Cathy Burns, page 440.

“Was Billy Graham A High Level Freemason?”

Another major criticism of Billy Graham is connected to the first (ecumenicism and schmoozing with a Catholic Church spearheading the rise of a one world religion) but is perhaps more grievous than the first. Trying to foster unity among the body of Christ, to the point of bringing Catholics and Protestants together, is in a sense a noble thing. (You’d have to see the third section of this post, which is at the bottom, to really see what I mean here.) Of course, the critics would say he goes further than that, and that Billy Graham sacrifices the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ (like, “no man comes to the Father but by me” – John 14:6) on the altar of this interfaith ecumenicism and the push for one world religion.
But beyond that, some say that Billy Graham “puffed” the Catholic church because he himself was a 33rd Degree Freemason. This second video – entitled “Was Billy Graham A High Level Freemason?” – touches on some of the things that suggest he was a Freemason, such as his associations, the Freemason handshakes with fellow occultists and other hand gestures he made. The video description asks: “In this video we are looking at who Billy Graham may have been really working for. Was he a true God fearing Christian or was he playing a role for another cause?” The video garnered over 70,000 in just a few days since it was published.


This testimony by a man that was saved via a Billy Graham crusade highlights the Billy Graham conundrum: Many were surely saved through him, yet, it seems the Antichrist was also at work through his ministry. We should not put men on a pedestal, the man warns.
The video description begins thus: “IT SADDENS ME TO SEND THIS VIDEO – BUT SEND IT I MUST. I was saved at a Billy Graham crusade in 1955 so these videos sadden me. – (But the truth in these videos below cannot be denied.)” Then he provided links to many videos that highlight the problems with Billy Graham, including links to the “Forerunner to Antichrist” series of videos pasted immediately below.
I saw these “Forerunner” videos years ago, and just filed them away. I revisited them following Billy Graham’s recent death, and am more convinced now than I was then that Rev Graham was much more of an “evangelist” for the New World Order cause than he was for the Jesus Christ of John 14:6.

“Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist – PT1”

This series was published to YouTube in July 2010 – precisely to counteract what the producers felt would be misleading eulogies at the time of Billy Graham’s death.

“Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist – PT2”

This video has over 19,000 views as at late February 2018. This part asks what caused U.S President Harry Truman to call Billy Graham a “counterfeit and a publicity seeker” (according to a 1993 issue of TIME magazine).

“Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist – PT3”

This video has over 15,000 views as of late February 2018. It covers the break-up prior to the 1957 New York Crusade between Billy Graham and his conservative, “fundamentalist” Christian partners who were adamantly opposed to Billy Graham’s collaboration with Catholics.

“Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist – PT4”

This video has over 13,500 views as of late February 2018.

“Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist – PT5”.

This video has over 13,500 views as of late February 2018. It highlights the apostacy in Billy Graham’s message to the nation at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C, following the 9/11 attacks in America.

“Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist – PT6”

This video has 12,500 views at of late February 2018. Billy Graham trips over John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. This was Rev Graham’s “updated” understanding of the way of salvation in 1978, as published by McCall’s Magazine:

I used to think that pagans in far-off countries were lost – were going to hell if they did not have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them. I no longer believe that… I believe there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God – through nature for instance – and plenty of other opportunities, therefore, of saying yes to God.

Billy Graham would go on to say such similar things in an interview by his close friend Robert Schuller (whom some conservative Christians would say was an apostate) and, in the 1990s, in an interview with CNN’s Larry King.

“Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist – PT7”


A great insightful video with over 161,600 views as of late February 2018. “The late Dave Hunt exposed Billy Graham for his deep compromise of the truth, his love affair with Roman Catholicism, and his unfaithfulness to Scripture.”

“Billy Graham- Satan’s Best Pastor for One World Religion (Dr. Gene Kim)”

This video was published to YouTube in August 2017, and as at late February 2018, has over 210,000 views. Dr Gene Kim does NOT spare Billy Graham in this video at all.

“Billy Graham is a Masonic Papal Knight Deceiver”

This video was published in November 2013 and has over 19,000 as of late February 2018. The guy in this video calls Billy Graham a “deceiver”, and criticizes him for three things:

  1. Accepting a knighthood from England’s “Illumanist” Queen Elizabeth II.
  2. Befriending (in the 1970s and 1980s) and praising Pope John Paul II – the problem being that the guy in the video sees the papacy as the Antichrist.
  3. Serving as the “ring leader” of the ecumenical movement in America.



“Incredibly Powerful 1961 Prophecy Describes What is Happening Today!”

This video on the “Christian Journal – Media” YouTube channel has over 100, 000 views. There are other YouTube channels also carrying this video beside the “Christian Journal – Media”.

“1973 The End Times Vision by David Wilkerson FULL”

This was published to YouTube in 2015 by “Icelandic Watchman” channel, and as at late February 2018, it has over 1.1 million views.

“The Two End Time Churches”


THE FAITHFUL END TIMES CHURCH: Whereas some of the “fundamentalist” Christian critics of Billy Graham tend to paint the entire Roman Catholic with one brush stroke – condemning it as the whore of Babylon depicted in Revelation – we hear both in the 1961 end times vision and David Wilkerson’s 1973 end times vision that the true body of Christ in the last of the last days will be less “churchianity” and less “denominationalism” and fully centered on the Person of Jesus Christ. The super church of true believers will consist of Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, and Pentecostals alike, that will move in the power, signs and wonders reminiscent of the Book of Acts. And this true faithful church – which, to emphasize again, will consist of people hitherto from various denominations, including Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, Pentecostal, etc – this faithful church will all the while be persecuted by the other super church that consists of the more “liberal” and “apostate” elements of the Catholic and Protestant churches.

THE APOSTATE END TIMES CHURCH: It seems there is a correlation between the super church that David Wilkerson warned about, with the apostasy that Billy Graham’s “fundamentalist” Christian critics have been trying to warn the church and world about.

So even now, we see these two end times churches emerging. The key question is: To which one will you and I belong?

May God help us all! May His kingdom come, on earth and in our lives, churches and nations. And may He deliver us from the evil one, his lawless one, and their many agents and agendas. Amen.

JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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