The political left in the US and New World Order (NWO)-controlled mainstream media continue to push their anti-Russia propaganda on us. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

Truth is that you are more likely to find financial ties between the Clintons and Russia/Putin than between Trump and Russia/Putin.

“Send Rain” YouTube Channel put out a nice video on June 1, 2017 highlighting some of these Clinton-Russia ties. You don’t need an FBI investigation to find these out. But months of FBI investigation of Trump and Putin collusion has yielded nothing more than (as Vladimir Putin himself put it recently) allegations and assertions and conclusions based on those assertions.

These headlines exposed are another proof that allegations by the so-called “Deep State” and liberal mainstream media (MSM) of a Trump-Putin election collusion is FAKE NEWS since it was the Clinton camp that was financially and politically connected to Putin and Russia over the years – before the 2016 elections – NOT Donald Trump. Here are some of the past headlines that were highlighted in the video:

  • Report: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat on Board of Company That Bagged $35 Million from Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund” The article was dated Aug 3, 2016.

  • Pictures of Bill Clinton Giving a $500K Speech in Moscow”. The speech was given to a company (Renaissance Capital) tied to Russian intelligence agencies.

  • Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation”. This was while HRC was Secretary of State. These are the sort of deals that brought about calls for investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

  • NYT: Clintons Failed to Disclose $2.35M Donation From Russian-Owned Uranium Corp”.


The truth may well be this – that as per reports by Fox News and other outlets like Israel National News, it was Seth Rich, the murdered DNC (Democratic National Committee) staffer/activist, that leaked the DNC emails to WikiLeaks – NOT “the Russians” or “Russian hackers” as the liberal mainstream  media would have America and the world to believe.

The liberal mainstream media have for the most part ignored the story of this murder – pretending as if it did not happen. Of course, you can trust the Republican / conservative-leaning Fox News to report on anything that would put the Clinton camp in bad light. Perhaps one of the reasons that Israel National News reported on the matter was that Seth Rich was Jewish. (There isn’t any information to suggest Rich was Russian or working for the Russians.)

At any rate, according to the the Israel National News article, the FBI have already determined that the 27-year-old staff, Seth Rich, transferred 44,000 DNC emails to WikiLeaks before the end of May 2016.

A federal investigator who reviewed materials the FBI took from Rich’s computer within the first 96 hours after the murder said that Rich had contacted Wikileaks through investigative reporter Gavin McFaiden, who worked for WikiLeaks.

The researcher said that more than 44,000 emails and 17,000 attachments sent by Democratic Party leaders were transferred by Rich to McFeidan before May 21

On July 10, 2016, Rich was found murdered outside his home. He was shot in the back, and the assailant did not take anything from Rich even though he had a $2,000 watch, wallet and

There were speculations that the Clintons were behind the murder of Seth Rich, but in truth, there should be further inquiry / investigation into the matter to get to the bottom of what really happened.

Opponents of the Clinton family have for many years been pointing to a series of mysterious deaths among people who have hurt the Clinton couple in one way or another. Rich’s death, on July 10, was immediately accompanied by rumors that there was a connection between him and the leakage of the emails, but at the time these hypotheses seemed unfounded. .

These are not days to be passive about what is going on in the media and In all these things, our PRAYER continues to be:

  • Let LIES, DECEPTION, FAKE NEWS, and WARMONGERING PROPAGANDA be exposed and debunked for what they are.
  • Let the TRUTH prevail in the media (whether it is mainstream or alternative, left-leaning or right-leaning).
  • And let the TRUTH prevail in the corridors of power.

And of course, we can help promote the truth by ensuring that credible accounts of what is happening in our world gets heard. Then the audience can make more informed decisions about who or what to believe and what to do based on what they feel is the truth.

Thank you for watching / reading. Do share this post and feel free to make constructive comments below.

JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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