Who Can We Trust To Tell Us the Truth These Days???

The Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991. The Iraq War of 2003-2011. And the ongoing “civil war” in Syria and rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. In all these geopolitical milestone events, the mainstream media in key instances passed off fake news as real news, legitimizing wars that should not have been. Rather than serving as the watchdogs of democracy on behalf of free citizens, they arguably served as gatekeepers for the New World Order elite shepherding the nations to their one-world government, Orwellian tyranny.

Through their control of information (i.e the mainstream corporate media) they have used false flag upon false flag to manipulate their audiences to vote for and adopt their globalist prescriptions. And through their control of the central banks (and thus the power to print fiat money) and control of means of violence, they have profited through these wars that really should not have been.

In these days of false flags and rumors of war, who can we trust to tell us the truth? Record-low media ratings in the US is a sign that a majority people have lost faith in these mainstream news outlets.

Before jumping to conclusions about any news in the mainstream media headlines, it is best to check alternative sources of information to consider other possibilities of what may be really going on. As the saying goes, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

Why Trump Really Attacked Syrian Airbase – In Agreement with Russia and Assad

Alex Jones for decades has been something of a pioneer in going against the grain – in going against the mainstream, pro-New World Order narrative. What he or anyone else still needs to be fact-checked and (if you are given to faith) prayer-checked.

But as ancient wisdom from Proverbs 18:17 says, In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines. In that spirit, having heard an ear-full of Western corporate media propaganda, consider a cross-examination via Alex Jones’ take on recent US bombardment of a Syrian airbase:

“…They clearly know its a false flag. So they say, ‘Listen. You’ve already agreed to get rid of these chemical weapons. We’re going to blow them up in place’ … They have a meeting. They have an agreement. The Russians make a statement that they don’t like it. BOOM. The 59 cruise missiles hit it. They destroy it. It’s already agreed to be destroyed four years ago. And then Trump looks strong for the neo-cons, the leftists, and everybody else, and can’t be blamed for the false flag attack that Trump and his generals know are false flag – and false flag that the same generals exposed four years ago as false flag – and through our intels sources– gave us the intel to expose to the American people. What you just heard is not my opinion; it’s what happened – it’s the facts. I put it in a video one hour before the strikes happened last night. And then another video I did an hour into it laying it out. And sure enough, the Russians admit that they were told. They pulled out the day before. It was chemicals that was agreed to be gotten rid of four years ago. And Trump is just executing the deal they already signed. Something that Obama didn’t even do. It sends a clear message to Al-Qaeda and ISIS that they will be pushed out of the country. And the deal to put in a democratically elected government in Syria will now role forward! That’s what Trump was told. That’s what Trump is executing. That’s what makes sense. Some of these generals though…want wider wars. And Trump’s gotta be careful… this is all very Machiavellian done…”

Catch the rest of the story here:

Watch and Pray – as USA marks 100 year anniversary of entry into WW1

Yes indeed Alex Jones: Trump’s gotta be careful in this world of Machiavellian politics. It is interesting to note that the US strike against the Syrian airbase happened on April 6, 2017, the 100 year anniversary of America’s entry into WW1.

Let’s hope and pray that on this milestone anniversary, Trump and other major actors in this equation have not been conned by the globalist elite into triggering World War 3.


JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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