Should the press and American citizenry be concerned when US administrations are so quick to cite Intel reports to justify their aggressive policies towards other nations?
In an age of fake geopolitical news and in an age in which rumors of war are passed off as factual intelligence reports, CNN’s “Reliable Sources” seems to be a nice show.
I saw some fair coverage on it regarding the allegations of Russian hacking and interference in the 2016 US Presidential Elections. By ‘fair”, I mean that the show seemed to consider impartially perspectives of both the supporters and critics of the intelligence findings that supposedly implicates Russia.
Going back to CNN’s question about whether or not the media (and, I would add, American citizens) should share Donald Trump’s skepticism of the Intel report, the answer really should be YES! As the judicial principle goes, any accused person or party remains innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Here, as mentioned in the show, are three (3) reasons to distrust these sort of intelligence assertions (but there are much more than three reasons to be honest):
Party Role Reversals
One underlying characteristic regarding the use of intelligence reports by American administration is be the Republican Party-Democratic Party duopoly that prevails in the US.
One of the guests that was interviewed on this episode of “Reliable Sources” was of the opinion that for the 3 reasons mentioned above, the public should not be so quick to trust “intelligence reports” pushed by the mainstream media and the White House. He said that the party roles have been reversed. During the two terms of the Bush Junior administration, the incumbent Republicans supported intelligence assertions that suggested Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Democrats on the other had were skeptical of those intelligence reports. But now it is the reverse. The incumbent (in terms of the White House) Democrats are citing intelligence reports to push forth their pre-determined anti-Russia agenda, while the opposing Republicans are predictably skeptical of said intelligence findings.
It seems to me that the incumbent parties are somehow co-opted by the formidable New World Order (NWO) political machinery to push forth their destructive globalist foreign policies, while the opposition parties tend to be more truthful about the shortcomings of the incumbent administrations.
How do you see it? Should we willy-nilly believe Obama’s anti-Russian allegations, or should we be skeptical that this is another “rumor of war” designed to legitimize the warmongering policies of the globalist powers that be? Even if the allegations are true, should the war hawks in the executive and legislative branches of the American government be so cavalier about the prospect of war with Russia? Russia is not Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Libya that the US and NATO can so easily push around. Surely the prospect of an all-out (probably nuclear) war between the two superpowers should be a last resort…
Either way, it is my hope and prayer that the truth, righteousness and peace always prevails in the media and corridors of political and socioeconomic power. It is my hope and prayer that fake news and fake intelligence reports designed to push the nations to unnecessary wars will not succeed.
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