In September 2015 (and perhaps even sooner), Prophet Brian Carn said God was saying that one of the Senators – not Donald Trump or the non-career politicians (i.e. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina) – not one of the Governors – but one of the SENATORS will come to power. Of course, back then when Brian Carn said this, Trump and Carson were way ahead of the Republican pack in the mainstream media polls, signifying seemingly that party faithfuls were tired of the career politicians. But the surprising results from the 2016 Iowa Caucuses have done two things: First, they defied months of mainstream media polls that put Trump way ahead of the pack and second, they have shown that the Cuban-American Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have a real shot indeed at getting the Republican nomination and perhaps even the Presidency.

The #FUN now – if you believe this Brian Carn prophecy – is to watch how Trump will be eliminated from contention and/or how one of these Republican Senators will pull off the victories that will bring them the Republican Party nomination. After that, it would be a Republican Senator versus either of the two Democratic Senators that virtually tied in the Iowa Caucuses. In that scenario, it will be a US Senator (not Governor or non-career politicians) that becomes the President-Elect in November 2016 – that is, assuming these elections are not suspended by President Obama as a number of different secular and religious voices from within and outside the United States are predicting!


BRIEF BRIAN CARN BIO: Brian Carn was born September 11 in Jacksonville, Florida. At the age of eight, he received salvation and the gift or “baptism” of the Holy Spirit, and began to preach at a very young age. Following eighty-eight (88) days of fasting and prayer, world-renowned Pastor Benny Hinn singled Brian Carn out during a crusade in Florida, prophesying to the then 12-year-old Brian Carn that he would walk in a “double portion” of the anointing on Benny Hinn’s life. Brian Carn became highly sought after when cancers were healed, the blind were made to see and many souls were saved at a 10-week event in Virginia in 2006. After years of ministry, Prophet Brian Carn has become an internationally recognized prophetic voice. His prophecies are marked by accuracy and passion, and countless people report physical and mental healing, financial breakthroughs, property acquisitions, home and auto acquisitions, debt cancellations and favorable legal outcomes as a result of his ministry. The office of a prophet is usually fraught with much persecution, and such is the case with Brian Carn, especially because of the boldness and passion with which he delivers his messages.


THE BRIAN CARN YOM KIPPUR 2015 VIDEO: The prophecies come fast and furious in this video. Here are some highlights:

  • Keep Praying. Jesus said, Men always ought to pray… (Luke 18:1). Things will get dark, but if you have God and the Word of God, you will make. You need the Provision, Leading and Direction of God or you will be in trouble in the days ahead. Ask God to restore unto you the joy of your salvation. [4th through 6th minute.]
  • Another Candidate Will Drop from the Race. This person will pull out from the race SUDDENLY. Brian Carn was not told why (whether for health reasons, etc) but the person will pull out suddenly. [7th minute.]
  • Trump is a Decoy”. Some people think he will win these elections because he is making a lot of noise. But “An empty wagon makes a lot of noise.” Brian Carn saw (in a vision) the Clintons meeting with Donalt Trump behind the scenes. [7th and 8th minutes.]
  • Keep Your Eyes on Marco Rubio”. He just won the last (Republican) debate. [8th minute.]
  • Pay Attention to the News. A lot of these things won’t manifest until next year (2016). But watch the news. [8 minute mark.]
  • A Musical Tour Cut Short. Keep your eyes on Bob Dylan and pray for him. Also, someone would be in a musical tour, but get really sick in the middle of it, and have to cut the tour short. [11th minute.]
  • GOD IS REAL AND GOD IS SPEAKING IN OUR GENERATION. [After making the musical tour prediction, Brian Carn said:] Somebody asked me why God is telling me all these things. Well, because He wants you to know that He is real and that He is speaking. [11th minute.]
  • Domestic Kidnappings” to Occur. People will be kidnapped by family members. [11th and 12th minutes.]
  • Devastating Natural Disasters. Keep your eyes on South Florida, because I saw that Florida Keys will be a thing of the past… Houston will be flooded… People will invest in Augusta, Georgia because it will be the new Atlanta after Atlanta is flooded… Prepare yourself, for these things are getting ready to transpire, said Brian Carn. Position yourself in a place of prayer. [12th minute.]
  • Political Scandals. Confusion will come up in these elections. Two politicians will go through major scandals. [13th minute.]
  • Planes in America Grounded. Major shifts are coming. Keep your eyes on Washington D.C. Something will happen there and it will cause all planes in America to be grounded. [14th minute.]
  • Pray, Because God Reveals to Redeem. These things are happening to position the church back in prayer. [15th minute.]
  • The Significance of Yom Kippur. “Yom Kippur” being the Jewish “Day of Atonement”. This Yom Kippur will be different than others before in terms of geopolitical events. But it remains a special time and window for supernatural miracles to happen in our lives if we key in to God’s instructions for this season (for instance, as per Joel 2:18 onward). [13th, 15th, 16th and 21st through 30th minutes.]
  • Riots in Chicago. They shall be worse than the riots in Ferguson. [17th minute.]
  • Others Are Lying to You; I’m Trying to Get You Prepared. Brian Carn: “I know it seems that I always focus on the negative. But it’s not that. I’m trying to get you prepared for what’s coming, but others won’t. They’re lying to you, telling you what you want to hear…” [31st minute.]
JON, Lead Trumpeter

Author, Blogger, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Financial Freedom Coach, Geopolitics Analyst, Mentor, Networker, Teacher, Trainer. My social media platforms are vehicles that help me express myself and my flairs, connect with fans, and fulfill my mission and calling in life. I'm passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, personal development, financial intelligence and entrepreneurship.

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